Andrew C. Stewart
March 17th, 2005, 12:41 AM
Greetings from Ponca City, OK.
Really I'm just starting to get interested in DV. I've been very loosely associated with the production of a couple no-budget music videos and a just-for-fun scifi/action short all shot on the GL2. My intererst was perked to the area of production and I've been slowly gaining steam in regards to research, script development, production elements, etc.
Research is slow as I have two very unrelated and very time-consuming real jobs (high school teacher and church music).
I do occasionaly have time to do some freelance work for FoxSports and ESPN. But none of that is behind a camera (though i do know a little about them); mostly just behind the scenes stuff (stage managing, stats, bug operator, etc).
I have the necessary people around me to make a short or feature length endeavor or the occasional music video worthwhile...a friend who is very talented in regards to editing and sfx (believe he has posted here before), a community of willing (and cheap) actors, someone who specializes in costumes and art direction...
Only thing missing is the tools and someone to coordinate. Hopefully that's where I come in.
I'll be purchasing an XL2 in the next few months and in the meantime I'll be perusing these boards soaking in as much as possible.
Really I'm just starting to get interested in DV. I've been very loosely associated with the production of a couple no-budget music videos and a just-for-fun scifi/action short all shot on the GL2. My intererst was perked to the area of production and I've been slowly gaining steam in regards to research, script development, production elements, etc.
Research is slow as I have two very unrelated and very time-consuming real jobs (high school teacher and church music).
I do occasionaly have time to do some freelance work for FoxSports and ESPN. But none of that is behind a camera (though i do know a little about them); mostly just behind the scenes stuff (stage managing, stats, bug operator, etc).
I have the necessary people around me to make a short or feature length endeavor or the occasional music video worthwhile...a friend who is very talented in regards to editing and sfx (believe he has posted here before), a community of willing (and cheap) actors, someone who specializes in costumes and art direction...
Only thing missing is the tools and someone to coordinate. Hopefully that's where I come in.
I'll be purchasing an XL2 in the next few months and in the meantime I'll be perusing these boards soaking in as much as possible.