October 4th, 2002, 06:49 PM
I'm not talking about "Full Frontal" either.
Been there,done that-I was very dissapointed that Soderbergh
wasn't trying to achieve the "film look" with the XL1S-he basically just treated it like an overly expensive VHS-C cam.
No,I'm talking about footage where someone exploited it to its full potential. Web sites? Videos?Suggestions? They would be highly appreciated!
Thank you!
Barry Goyette
October 6th, 2002, 12:12 AM
Here's a clip of mine. Shot on the xl1s in my studio. Download the movie to view it at full size (the viewer shrinks the video size somewhat).
Nori Wentworth
October 7th, 2002, 10:22 AM
Hi Barry,
I'm curious to know which lens you used on your camera? Also what filters/pluggins where used in post. I'm sure lots of us could gain much knowledge from eachother.
Thanks- Nori
Barry Goyette
October 9th, 2002, 03:26 PM
Sorry I was out of town for a few days, just catching up on the boards. Here's the rundown:
Canon xl1s..Stock IS-II lens. Manual focus and exposure. -3db gain. No filtration...I've done some color, sharpness and contrast work in FinalCut Pro (see below), but essentially, it was shot straight. Concert footage was white balanced on a yellow kodak film box to make it go blue. I haven't used any special plugins, just standard effects available in FCP.
Here's a description of the main compositing technique I use to control color and contrast.
(4th post down from the top)
Adam Lawrence
October 10th, 2002, 04:24 PM
barry....are you using a PAL XL1-S??? a freind of mine has a PAL, I see the
difference in resoltion between each format..maybe the PAL is sharper or
"cleaner"..due to is higher resolution.
Barry Goyette
October 10th, 2002, 05:17 PM
No, I'm using the NTSC version...I don't have any experience with the pal I don't know whether it's sharper or not... my clip is probably a bad way to evaluate this aspect of the camera, as there is quite a bit of post processed blurring and sharpening going on...(not one cut is "straight"), as well as significant compression with sorensen 3..which tends to soften things a bit.