View Full Version : Media Manager not Searching Correctly

Kevin Janisch
September 18th, 2009, 11:14 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm tagging clips in Media Manager in Vegas 8c and for whatever reason when I do a keyword search, the only thing Media Manager returns are files with the keyword in the file name and not the clips that are tagged with the same keyword. If I click the checkbox for the same tag in the "Tags" window the clips come up. For my keyword search I have "Match Any" selected. Any ideas? Thanks.


Kevin Janisch
September 18th, 2009, 04:22 PM
Upgraded to 2.4 from 2.3 and the search behavior is still the same.

Graham Bernard
September 19th, 2009, 12:40 AM
I can't see what you are doing different to me - and it is working here. Sorry Kevin, drawn a blank.

You don't have another "search" parameter lurking? No?


Kevin Janisch
September 20th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Thanks Grazie for the reply. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Media Manager, still the same search behavior. I checked the advanced settings and everything and all seems to be okay unless I'm missing something as this is my first go around with Media Manager. It still is only returning clips with the search term in the filename or if the clip resides in a folder with the search term in the folder name, very strange.


John Rofrano
September 27th, 2009, 08:42 AM
I'm tagging clips in Media Manager in Vegas 8c and for whatever reason when I do a keyword search, the only thing Media Manager returns are files with the keyword in the file name and not the clips that are tagged with the same keyword.

This is working *exactly* as it should. Tags are not keywords. The keyword search is searching the filename, path, comments, metadata, etc. It does not search tags. If you want to search for a tag you simply click on the tag in the tag tree. This is working as designed.

BTW, after clicking the tag you can still use the keyword search to narrow the results.


Kevin Janisch
March 8th, 2010, 04:50 PM
Hi John,

According to your own Sony Vegas Training DVDs, it is not working as it should. Check Volume 7 "Media Manager Demystified", Chapter 15, timecode: 38:45 where it shows a search being done using "Rock" and results being populated because of the tag: "Acoustic Rock".

I still cannot get the media manager to search out clips based on their tags as shown in the Vasst Training Video. It will however return the result if I populate the keyword.

Any ideas anybody?

John Rofrano
March 8th, 2010, 08:22 PM
Kevin, You are correct... my mistake. There is a column called Tags and so if you do a keyword search on a tag name you should get all media associated with that tag. I just tried it and it worked for me. It's very strange that it's not working for you. Are you sure that the tag column actually contains the tag name you are looking for?


Kevin Janisch
March 9th, 2010, 04:38 PM
Hi John,

No luck. If I add a keyword to the comments field then it works as expected, but not with Tag information. I even tried it on a Vegas 7 install on a different machine and it's not working there either. And of course if I check the box next to the tag, then results are returned. I'm wondering if there's a setting to tell the search to not look in the tags somewhere as nothing is checked in the advanced search area. Thanks.


Kevin Janisch
January 5th, 2011, 01:35 PM
Fresh install on yet another machine, Quadcore, Vegas 8.0c, Media Manager 2.4. I add a tag to a clip but when I search for it nothing comes up. If I check mark the Tag itself then it shows. I've tried this on 4 different machines with all the same result, the search in Media Manager does not return files if the search term matches the Tag info. The tag column shows the tag correctly. Am I missing a setting or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 4 separate machines can't be wrong. Thank you.

John Rofrano
January 6th, 2011, 05:38 AM
My apologies because this doesn't work as I originally claimed :( (sorry). It appears that the Tag column is NOT included in the keyword search; you must click the tags. The reason I thought it was working is because I build my tags from the folder names on the file system. So the tag name is also in the Path column on my PC and that's what was getting matched. So you cannot do a keyword search by tag name. You can only click the tag (which kinda makes sense because that's the purpose of tags) Once again sorry for misleading you but I only realized this behavior today when I double checked after reading your post.


Kevin Janisch
January 6th, 2011, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the reply John. I really appreciate it. Hopefully Sony will incorporate this ability soon. Happy New Year!

John Rofrano
January 6th, 2011, 12:37 PM
You're welcome Kevin. Happy New Year to you too.
