View Full Version : Ideality - Your Perception of Reality Defines Your Reality
Jeremy Krakowski March 14th, 2005, 06:37 PM I am pleased to announce, Ideality, the latest movie by Unique View Motion Pictures and CCFilms Production on this movie has been going on since Fall 2004, but we are need attempting to get the word out about this movie.
This film is not a production of CCFilms, but is being assisted by CCFilms. The main production, filming, editing, ect. are all being done by Unique View Motion Pictures. Unique View Motion Pictures is run by Ian Hubert , creator of Echoes and CGI genius. CCFilms' (producers of Armed Conflict and No Greater Love) part in this production is music composition.
What I'm gonna use this thread for is just to give monthly or so updates on the movie and whatnot (if you want more frequent updates and pages upon pages of info on this film, check out "" here: This page has A TON about the CG done for this movie).
Really, what I just wanna get the word about is both the production forum from TheBRB (above) and the offical website for Ideality at
Check it out. I'm not really gonna say any more about this movie. Those two websites speak for themselves. Let me just say one thing, this movie is going to AWESOME! I seriously can not wait until it's done. It's gonna have great visual effects, awesome story, acting, editing, music. This movie is really gonna rock. So check out the websites (you can use if you want as well). It's gonna be a great ride.
Scott Tebeau March 14th, 2005, 07:39 PM Jeremy,
Congratulations on your film. Not quite as thrilling as you touted, but, then again I’m not really into militant Christian films that advocate the used of violence.
Jeremy Krakowski March 14th, 2005, 08:23 PM OK, Scott your post is one of the most laughable posts of prejudice I've EVER EVER SEEN! None of our movies, except "No Greater Love" has anything "Christian" about them. "militant christian that advocate violence......." what??? When did you read that THIS movie was "christian? And this film isn't even being made by "Christian Films" company. Just the music is.
And anyways, the name of my film group is only cuz the filmmakers are Christians, not cuz of the content of the movies...but yah, if you think movies about druglords and snipers and terrorist and CG spiders are the new form of "Christian film" and will be looking for deep rooted messages in our movies that don't exist.... more power to you.
Maybe you should read things before you post next time, eh? Yah. That might be a good idea. mmhmm.
Scott Tebeau March 14th, 2005, 08:43 PM Sorry, very short sighted of me.
I just thought since it was being posted on a Christian sight that most of the traffic watching this would be, well Christians. I thought violence was in direct opposition to one of there basic tenets.
Matt Lean March 14th, 2005, 10:01 PM Thats pretty cool Jeremy. Can you tell me how you created the audio during the phone or walkie talkie conversations?
John Hudson March 17th, 2005, 11:41 PM I'm reluctant to post anything for sake of Jeremy having a meltdown and going off on some wild tangent.
Is there an additional trailer beyond 6 seconds? Or.....?
Ian Hubert March 19th, 2005, 01:43 AM Lol. Yeah, let's keep this a bit more low key. But it's all good :)
Howdy! I'm Ian! I'm one of the main people making Ideality!
Sadly, there really isn't a trailer beyond 6 seconds yet. Actually, the little 6 second thing was going to be part of the actual trailer (since modified to better be a site introduction). But we decided not to do the real trailer till we had shot more footage.
Oh man. I'm watching Dead Poets Society. Great movie. Great!
Ian Hubert April 20th, 2005, 09:32 PM Allrighty. Here's a little bit of updaty goodness, for those of you who may or may not care.
First of all, here are some crazy Rockets O' Doom! ( They're not going to be in the movie long, but I think they're pretty cool.
We've also shot and filmed a couple more scenes, stills of which can be seen in the news section of the Ideality Website! ( (
We filmed this crazy spider scene (it was totally awesome!!!) and we've started going through and adding effects to it. here's a shot ( from it (Angela attempting to fighting the Giant Robotic Spider) and the Musical BTS ( of the same shot. I'll be the first to admit it's not a great BTS, but I just made it for one dude, and decided to share ;)
Oh! And Murphy is doing some amazing work ( on the cockpit of this blimp. He did that in just, like, 2 days! Intense!
Yup!!! Thanks for reading!! :)
Ian Hubert April 20th, 2005, 09:42 PM Whoa. That blue looks really black. :)
Matthew Nayman April 22nd, 2005, 01:19 PM Jeremy, it's Nayman from the eylsiun boards...
Way to rock the blender.
Ian Hubert April 22nd, 2005, 01:44 PM Jeremy does indeed have mad skills!
Ian Hubert November 16th, 2006, 01:08 AM Heh. After it getting hyped up (even if it was a year ago) I figure I should still release it.
I hope you enjoy it! Take it easy, you folks!
Brian Duke November 16th, 2006, 01:56 AM I only watched the trailer and I assume you are looking for feedback, so here is mine.
First I want to state that when we review projects on DVINFO its never clear if we are supposed to give objective reviews, or if we should compare the project in review to other projects on here on projects in general, including theatrical releases. The stumbling block always happens when you compare online projects with films released, but then again, isn't the ultimate goal to have the projects released? If we compare to other projects online the standards are potentially lowered because the general lack of skills involved, which include writing, directing, performances, editing etc.
Please take my comments with a grain of salt. My first impression is whether this is a comedy, because it just seemed really silly (no offense if it isn't), but if it is I wasn’t really laughing out loud. If this were a serious drama/action it just wouldn’t work for me either for a number of reasons. The effects are not up to par, the performances aren’t compelling or convincing. The concept is too close to the Matrix, but a really cheap version. The actors are too young for the parts. Also, why is this 40 minutes? Not long enough for a feature and too long for a short.
Good luck with it
Ian Hubert November 16th, 2006, 09:44 AM ...and this is all from watching the trailer? Heh.
You can compare it to a theatrical release if you want, I wouldn't. But that's only cause I know that the only thing it was supposed to be was a quirky movie made by a bunch of friends that I figured some other folks might be interested in.
Although one thing- The plot is really close to the Matrix? What the heck ISN'T? I mean, really, am I the only one who's run into this? Where everything you ever made people accuse you of ripping off something else? If you watch the movie, though, I think you'll see that it only represents the matrix in vague concept, there are other things it rips off WAY more (that's irony, or something).
Interesting point with the humor, and really, it brings up a good question. DO films have to be either COMEDIC or DRAMA? I've never gotten that. I pretty much just make whatever films I want, and see what happens. Restraining yourself by the limitations of "this is a comedy, so I can't have any actual meaningful character development" (you'll laugh at me once you see Ideality and hear me talking about character development, I've improved, my goodness!) But I'm weird that way.
But hey, thanks for the review! And yeah, grain of salt taken. I personally don't like the film all that much, as it's more an indicator of the level I was at 3-4 years ago (check out, although you probably won't like the humor, it's really only for a small target audience, which sounds like a copout, but it's true, and a better representation of what I'm currently up to)
And hey, if you ever check out the film, I hope you enjoy it.
I made it to entertain, not impress. My impressive films are usually pretty boring. (hehe)
Brian Duke November 16th, 2006, 12:08 PM DO films have to be either COMEDIC or DRAMA? I've never gotten that. I pretty much just make whatever films I want, and see what happens.
Well, that's more of a technical term applied to story telling. Obviously both categories encompass a ton of genres, but the basic rule of thumb is that comedy end in marriage (not literally speaking) and drama ends in divorce (again not literally speaking). Can every single movie be defined as either? Probably not, but a vast majority can if they are straight narrative pieces.
it's really only for a small target audience, which sounds like a copout, but it's true, and a better representation of what I'm currently up to)
If your goal is small target audience, then you should probably succeed. Success in many aspects is only really measured by your goals. Whatever you do good luck with all your projects.
As to ripping off other films, there's a fine line between blantant copying rather than being influenced. Do you really want people to say, ahh that's a Matrix rip off? Would you make a movie about a shark terrorizing a local Long Island community? Its not easy being original, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. That's my 3 cents.
Ian Hubert November 16th, 2006, 02:11 PM Oh, totally. And believe me, most of the time I spend on scripts is just coming up with an original idea to begin with.
Which is WHY it's so hard to shrug off when someone says, "Oh! You just copied the Matrix!" "No, see, I remember my initial train of thought, and the influences that brought me to this story, and NONE of it had anything to do with the Matrix. In fact, if I'd even REMEMBERED the Matrix I probably would have changed it even more to resemble it less." I mean, IMO, Matrix wasn't even an INFLUENCE, as you said.
Although really, I've seen so many films accused of ripping of the Matrix that I dont' even care anymore.
And really, if you watch the movie, I think you'll agree that they're not that similar anyway.
That, and Ideality has a giant robotic spider with 5 legs.
Hope I'm not sounding defensive, you just bring up good points.
Scott Tebeau November 16th, 2006, 04:09 PM Ian,
Just watched SBFP. Loved it!! Looks like you guys are having a great time doing it. Light hearted and fun. Refreshing.
I really liked the music as well.
Brian Duke November 16th, 2006, 08:00 PM Hope I'm not sounding defensive
You are, but that's normal when you speak to filmmakers. I didn't say your movie was a complete rip off the matrix, but there are certain elements that the Matrix is known for, sych as the effect of 360º camera turn slow mo etc, that you had some elements of, and immediately people will say the Matrix. If you don't care there isn't much I can say more.
Don't always expect all positive feedback when you post, since everyone won't agree. There are movies that people seem to really like that I find not very good, such as Wedding Crashers and the 40 Year Old Virgin. To each his own.
Ian Hubert November 16th, 2006, 08:46 PM Meh. Miscommunication. I can guarantee I have almost nil emotional connection to this movie (I did a couple years ago, when I made it). And I'd be the first to give negative feedback (excluding regarding copying the Matrix, which I've inexplicably considered an ultimate insult for about half a decade now.). Like the "Comedy/Drama" thing, it's something that's been on my mind a lot lately. Why DO films always seem to have to fit those catagories? A lot of my favorite films are those that mix genres. Not defensive, just something that's been on my mind.
Yeah, there are quite a few movies I like that other's don't , Kung Pow, The Matrix Sequels (admittedly just for the giant robots), Hellboy. And some examples I can't think of. Like UHF. And Fooly Cooly.
What am I saying? Everyone likes Fooly Cooly.
Hey Scott! Glad you liked SBFP. Yeah, the music composers for that blew my mind. Wilbert Roget II, btw, is always looking for work! He did a lot of the Ideality stuff too (including the main theme) along with Greg Michalec. They're amazing.