View Full Version : Best recording format from a DSLR?

David C Wright
September 18th, 2009, 05:47 AM
I currently shoot documentaries the 'old' way with a Panasonic HDX900 taped based HD camera. I am looking for a second camera that I can easily carry to remote locations to basically capture stock footage. I don't need long run times to shoot interviews etc.

Which DSLR with HD recording capabilities would yield the best quality images? Amongst the top contenders, I guess this comes down to the compression used by the camera. Ideally there would be a solution giving RAW files or something similar but I guess that is called a RED.

Thanks for your advice.

David Wright

Bill Pryor
September 24th, 2009, 11:50 AM
For your purposes it seems the Canon 5D MKII would be ideal. If you're going for stock footage, having 1080P would be preferable, I'd think.