View Full Version : Need help with camera to camera connection

Elena Dorokhina
March 11th, 2005, 11:44 AM
Recently I've tried to copy our work materials from one mini-DV cassete to another. So I've asked my friend to bring his camcoder: Panasonic NV-DS30 and tried to connect it to my Canon XM-2 with 4/4 cable. No reaction. Not "DV-In" message and not "Check the DV-Input" message. My XM-2 just record black screen. Is it impossible to connect that two camcorders or is it possibly a problem with cable? While both cameras work perfectly with computer.

Should I find a new cable? Or it would be useless.

Thank you.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
March 11th, 2005, 01:29 PM
If the cameras work into a PC on their own, there could be a cable fault. I copy from camera to camera quite a lot (a mix of Canon and Sony) and I've never had a problem.
Are the cameras in VCR mode?


Elena Dorokhina
March 11th, 2005, 10:53 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Robin Davies-Rollinson :
Are the cameras in VCR mode?


Yes they are in VCR mode. Thank you, I'll try another cable.
