View Full Version : Mac Pre-Vis anyone?

Jeff Patnaude
March 10th, 2005, 02:57 PM
Anyone using pre-vis software on the Mac platform?

I've heard and seen articles on mainly two- one of which was Poser 5.

Anyone use it, or something similar?

My objective is to do pre visualization of my scripts for shorts or features, and not break the bank (that's another thread entirely...)


Jeff Patnaude

Joshua Starnes
March 10th, 2005, 04:10 PM
There's not really any such thing as 'pre-viz' software. It's just 3D modelling and animating software - some more powerful than others.

I use Lightwave 7 myself, and pre-viz is about all I can get out of it because modelling and animating isn't my forte nor is it something I plan on learning how to do well. I can do it well enough for my needs. In the hands of more competent users, it can also do the VFX for Star Tre: Enterprise, but it's just fine for Pre-Viz work as well.