View Full Version : Steadi-Compitition!!!

Charles King
March 9th, 2005, 02:17 AM
I thought I'll let you all in on a little compitition Cody and I have put together to spice things up within the HBS circle. We thought it would give some folks a chance to win some homebuiltstabilizer books.

So if you are interested please goto the link provided below and read carefully. Good luck:

Simon Wilks
March 10th, 2005, 06:36 AM
Now that looks interesting. Some difficult questions Charles but I think I'll have a go at it. Nothing to loose right :)

Would be nice to own all those book. Does this include your upcoming book; ...stabilizing a dream II?

Lars Gustav
March 10th, 2005, 06:41 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Simon Wilks :
Would be nice to own all those book. Does this include your upcoming book; ...stabilizing a dream II? -->>>

..."stabilizing a dream II" Charles. Is this the continuation from your last rig?

BTW, did you recieve my answers?

Charles Papert
March 10th, 2005, 11:27 AM
Charles and Cody, you are fiendish and demented. That's one hell of a tough quiz--are those answers all available somewhere on the web? I took a stab at it for fun, not for competition, but I had to reach deep for some of them (stopped short at calling GB, though!)

Charles King
March 10th, 2005, 11:59 AM
Ha Ha. That's a compliment coming from you CP. They are on the net. Most where taken from books and personal references. They are pretty easy come to think of it.

I've already given a clue in my response. ;)

BTW, Lars and Simon. My new book is included, when I'm done writing it. The new book will entail my brand new carbon post and gimbal. A new pro like arm and a steadicam socket block. As always, many pics.