View Full Version : Share Your GL2 Custom Preset

Mark OBrien
March 9th, 2005, 01:15 AM
I was reading another post where someone offered the suggestion of changing Setup +1 or +2 in low light situations to try to compensate (while this might not be the best idea depending on the situation, it is clever nonetheless).

I was just wondering if anybody has Custom Presets they use for certain situation or to achieve a certain "look" or to help fix something.

I'm all for experimenting (and I have) but I just figured people might want to share.

Mike Donley
March 9th, 2005, 08:23 AM
I use custom preset to reduce saturation by two clicks, and to move two clicks towards green (and away from red). This custom preset allows my GL2 to better match my GL1's during wedding shoots. The operator of one of the GL1's reduces brightness by -2 using exposure lock. Then all three cameras match.

The -2 using exposure lock is only necessary because that GL1 had the CCD assembly replaced. Apparently the replacement CCD assembly gives a brighter image than the original equipment CCD's.