View Full Version : Submitting your show idea to the networks

James Emory
March 8th, 2005, 12:32 PM
Submitting your project idea to a network can be a frustrating experience. Below is a submission link to one of the major networks that can give you an idea of what is involved and what to expect. Below that is a relative thread with more insight. Some networks do not even accept outside submissions so networking and knowing key people are the solutions to getting your idea to the right place. I would just say this, be very careful who you discuss your ideas with.

Discovery Networks Submissions

DV Info Relevant Thread

Keith Loh
March 8th, 2005, 01:00 PM
That's kind of a "well, duh".

Huge corporations don't just take in ideas off the street.

James Emory
March 8th, 2005, 02:32 PM
You might be surprised.

Peter Wiley
March 12th, 2005, 12:53 PM
From what I have read in a number of places the quality of ideas "off the street" is not all that great, but producers are torn between between low quality and the fear of missing the next big thing. Ideas have to come from someplace.

Too much programming from the same sources leads too much derivation of the same idea. A number of cable stations are now dominated, for example, by shows that feature homebuilding-making-remodeling (trading spaces, monster house, designer's challenge, house hunters etc.) or building vehicles (monster garage, american chopper, over haul'n, etc.). These shows are quickly getting so, so stale.

When a show that features a home-buyer walking through houses and saying "oh I don't like this space/color/rug/paneling/view/windows/closet" can get on and run for more than a month. . . new ideas are needed . . . please!

James Emory
June 23rd, 2005, 11:04 PM
Here is another production company that accepts submissions.

GRB Productions