View Full Version : Nashville, TN

Josh Marx
March 8th, 2005, 03:00 AM
Hello...just wanted to introduce myself since I'm fairly new in the aspect of posting...I'm currently in Nashville, TN...recently graduated from college and currently unemployed. That's what happens when you major in A/V Production and Music Business with a minor in Entrepreneurship. Actually having a hard time finding a job here...going to grad school next year probably.
Anyway, anybody else on here from the Nashville area? I'm looking for some people to work with at some point on music videos, short films, etc...I currently own a Canon GL2 and have a Panasonic PV-GS120 that I play around with as well. I edit on Final Cut Pro HD and have recently taken up learning Shake and Combustion. I use Nuendo for all my audio.

Also, I'd like to get some feedback on some stuff I've done (very low budget) there a forum on here for that as well?


Chris Hurd
March 8th, 2005, 03:20 AM
Hi Josh,

Go fishing for feedback on our forum "DV For The Masses ("

You could always go to work for Dell -- they have a huge call center out by the Nashville airport -- not sure what it pays but lots of those folks there have backgrounds similar to yours. You'd be a natural for their Software & Peripherals sales and support division.

Wallace Center
September 29th, 2005, 10:15 PM
Hey Josh,
I just stumbled onto this site and found your thread.
Get in touch with me sometime, maybe for lunch or something. Then we can figure out what each other is doing and has done and start going a good direction together if you want. I am willing to work on most projects like you, so lets do it.

I am in between jobs, so I have lots of time right now.

I just need help with getting started, and which equipment/software to go with.


Wallace - 347-3698-mobile