View Full Version : HD Basic lighting

Gabor Lacza
March 7th, 2005, 09:28 PM
Hi Guys,

I need some help figuring out what kind of lights we need to use for a feature??? We are planning to shoot a feature drama
And right now trying to setup equipment needs and budget…we are looking at the lighting equipment and there are so many
Different kind of lights from 1KW to 10 KW…Soft light, hard light, focus light…..HMO lights….what do we really going to need
As a basic lighting equipment to shoot a feature…many inside scenes…there are outside and night scenes as well…..!! We will be Shooting in HD with a F900 Sony Cinealta.

Thanks for any input


Charles Papert
March 8th, 2005, 01:28 AM

I assume you haven't hired a DP yet, as they would most certainly have ideas on their preferred lighting package. There's a few people here who could, if they were inclined, generate a lighting package which could be quite different than the next person; chances are your DP's desired package would be yet another variation. I think that perhaps you should focus on trying to obtain a small variety of previously produced feature budgets in the same range as your show, and find a median figure that you can plug into your budget rather than worrying about the minutia of which specific instruments should go on the truck.

Rush Hamden
March 8th, 2005, 08:26 PM
I agree with Charles, almost no two DP's will have the same ideas on lighting the same set. That is why we "Paint" with light, everyone paints a different picture... I tend to hover towards HMI's and Kino's, others like tungstens and practicals. But on many scenes, I would never let an HMI work, all tungsten... It depends on the scene and the DP, so a standard lighting and grip truck package can be sometimes the best way to get a large palette of colors for your movie! Best of luck, Gabor, and don't forget to have fun.

Richard Veil
March 20th, 2005, 12:02 PM
And a DP is the best money you can spend..

beside food.. for the cast and crew

Where are you? CA? joker 200

Mole digimole hmi

Chimera 8000 kit

Chimera Lantern

Avenger A475b

and on and on....

Hi Charles.. will you be at NAB.

Charles Papert
March 20th, 2005, 12:05 PM
Hi Richard:

Didn't think I was going to be able to make it, but the feature I'm on is wrapping just in time for me to bop down to Vegas. I'll come say hi if I stroll past your booth!

Richard Veil
March 20th, 2005, 12:18 PM
I have a show posting in the announcments page



PS.. if you can go look at

and let me know what you think of the concept aka product