View Full Version : Z1 secret plug

Filip Kovcin
March 5th, 2005, 08:34 PM
on european model of Z1 which i have (the difference is that instead of "U" at the end it has "E" - everythig else is the same) i discovered today weard thing...

on the back side of the camera, just next to that barrel button (SEL/PUSH EXEC) there is plastic cover. if you unscrew it and open it you can find "classical" sony plug which we all know from pd100, 150 etc.

you can even use that plug for feeding the power and switch on the camera, BUT after a while - the lcd screens shows: "use lithium battery" and swithces OFF. completelly.

after disconecting, i used normal battery and everything worked perfectly.

do you know what is going on with this? why this is covered?
i remember when i tested the Z1 prototype - that plug was working normally.



if this is not so clear - i can send a precise photo somewhere, to suggested site or person. i do not have possibility to publish it on web.

Chris Hurd
March 6th, 2005, 01:21 AM
Hi Filip,

Please send that image to me via email. I can host it here for you. Thanks,

Filip Kovcin
March 6th, 2005, 06:21 AM

pictures are flying to you.



Chris Hurd
March 7th, 2005, 12:13 AM
Hi Filip,

Images are located at:

Joonas Kiviharju
March 7th, 2005, 01:51 AM
Hmm, strange. What's the thing with that screw. On the FX1E there's no screw if I remember correctly. That cover just opens and you can use the power adapter through it. And you can even charge your batteries on the FX1E.

How is it with the Z1? Isn't it possible to use a power adapter instead of batteries?

Filip Kovcin
March 7th, 2005, 03:17 AM
thanks for publishing the pictures.


no it is not (for now, he, he...) possible to use this plug. i do not understand why?

you have that "semi battery" adapter and Z1 works fine with it, but not with "normal" adapter (it's plug fits that secret one on the back of the camera).


Pete Williams
March 7th, 2005, 11:39 AM
Hi guys,
My first post. New kid on the forum block. I have just bought the Z1 and have the regulated NRG research (great place for lights power etc) power lead that enables you to power pd 150 from 12v Anton Bauer or other batts. It has the 'T' power end as discovered. I have this 'secret input' on my cam as well. I am itching to try run the Z1 on Antons, but due to the greater wattage draw of the Z1, am a bit nervous that the regulator may pop and I fry the back end of the Z1.
Any comments would be appreciated.

Christopher C. Murphy
March 7th, 2005, 12:12 PM
My Z1 has it too!

Bryan McCullough
March 7th, 2005, 12:23 PM
If this isn't used for external power on the Z1, what is?

Filip Kovcin
March 7th, 2005, 02:32 PM
it looks for me that this is "forgotten feature".

i didn't compare it, but - is the body of FX1 identical in size as the body of Z1? if both models are identical in size - maybe this is something what works just on Fx1? and was forgotten and left on Z1.

but, again - why inside that plug everithing - in electrical way - works normally (despite error on lcd display)? what for?

and another thought - isn't that "secret" type of plug more "normal" solution than that strange style via "semi battery" adapter? at least for me that normal plug was good enough. i use it with my mavica cd photo camera, with pd 150 and why not with Z1?
do not understand that sony's approach.


Pete Williams
March 7th, 2005, 02:55 PM
My guess is that it introduces a new adapter that discourages using existing ones and encourages the stocking up of Lithium batts , rather than running it all day on a 12v brick.....may be wrong.
Seems like Sony have put a software block to further discourage shutting down the cam.....unless it is a safety feature that , once again , goes back to my question of frying the back end...
I am still hesitant to try the NRG power adapter....that I bought at this company...

Chris Hurd
March 7th, 2005, 03:00 PM
<< is the body of FX1 identical in size as the body of Z1? >>

Yes. The chassis is the same on both models.

Mike Tiffee
March 7th, 2005, 07:17 PM
On the FX-1, that's the plug that powers the camera or charges the batteries in-camera. where is the power plug on the Z1 ??

Filip Kovcin
March 8th, 2005, 01:15 AM
well, that's the problem.

there is no any "normal" plug which powers the camera, just that "semi battery" adapter.


Joonas Kiviharju
March 8th, 2005, 01:51 AM
Oh, I see what you mean. You power the Z1 with a kind of an dummy battery, that has a wire, that goes in to the power adapter.

Well, that kind of a dummy battery is better than the standard power cord. It doesn't fall of while shooting. But, it's still strange that they disabled the other option, and left it physically there.

Filip Kovcin
March 8th, 2005, 07:39 AM
you read my mind.


Chris Hurd
March 8th, 2005, 08:31 AM
<< it's still strange that they disabled the other option, and left it physically there. >>

It leads you to believe that it was first designed for the consumer division, and then adopted for the professional division. From a camera production standpoint, it may have been more economical to leave it there and add the cover.

Filip Kovcin
March 8th, 2005, 08:54 AM

you are absolutelly right, the money rules here, but i can BET that when i tested DEMO Z1 camera (the unit which was shown on IBC last year) the plug which was used was that old style plug. so if this worked on demo version - why not on final?

the thing i do not understand is - why to heck someone is covering something which WORKS - even if this is just for a few seconds?

to sell more lithium batteries?

maybe i'm too curious.


Mike Tiffee
March 8th, 2005, 09:23 AM
If I were guessing, the Z1 is simply the FX-1 with new firmware. The demo unit you got probably was still written with a lot of the FX-1 features and they "hadn't gotten to it yet". Another example is the mic holder on the Z1. there is a cover on the FX-1 hiding the mounting hardware for the clamp.

Does the dummy battery have any circuitry? Could it be the PAL / NTSC issue? Power standards?

Ignacio Rodriguez
March 8th, 2005, 10:08 AM
> you can even use that plug for feeding the power and switch on
> the camera, BUT after a while - the lcd screens shows:
> "use lithium battery" and swithces OFF. completelly.

Filip, are you using an older Sony power supply to feed the cam through this plug? Perhaps the message is just a standard error message and it is simply not supplying enough power. If so, the plug and circuitry might be fully operational!

If it's a firmware issue we can sure ask Sony tu update the firmware so the plug can be used, right? And while they are at it, they could enable DVCAM track pitch for the HDV mode... uhh... well, I can dream, can't I? <grin>

Chris Hurd
March 8th, 2005, 10:47 AM
It would take somebody with an FX1 power supply, a Z1 camera and a screwdriver to tell us for certain.


Bryan McCullough
March 8th, 2005, 11:23 AM
If anyone wants to send me their Z1 for testing, I'd be happy to try it out.


Filip Kovcin
March 8th, 2005, 02:23 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Ignacio Rodriguez : Filip, are you using an older Sony power supply to feed the cam through this plug? ... -->>>


i am using power supply from my HDV M10 player/recorder, so i beleive that this (at least) should be the same generation...
but i will try with FX1 power supply if i can find one in my neighbourhood.
will tell you then.


Ron Evans
March 8th, 2005, 04:19 PM
Its interesting that my old Hi8 VX3 also has the dummy battery adapter. Seems like Sony went back a lot to the past--dummy battery adapter, exactly the same manual controls as the old VX3!!!!

Ron Evans

Filip Kovcin
March 12th, 2005, 02:27 AM
i just saw a "dangerous" situation - and want to warn you about it.

my my friend was shooting "table photography" for documentary film. (papers, photographies, small things etc.) and during this shoot he had his pd150 plugged in usual way - no batteries, but thru adapter. and in certain moment he forgot about the wire of that adapter and CROSSED that "barier" line, means he pushes the wire strongly by his body - and the power plug pops off the camera.

nothing special. but his camera was on relativelly light tripod, and despite some work - to shoot the same shot again everything went fine.


let's pretend that Z1 was used here - what will happend?
you cross that line where the wire is and since the whole dummy battery adapter is firmly connected with the camera - in worst case, it will pull down the camera also...

what do you think?


Peter Rixner
March 12th, 2005, 03:48 AM
What I think ?

I think: I see more cables than this on the set.
Thas not really a reason to claim for a plug that slips out of the camera. Maybe even if your panning.

I like this Z1-solution better. But a serious plug like XLR connector would be of course the professional solution.

Somehow they dont want certain thing on such prosumer models.

So dont panic on the set :)



Mark Utley
February 7th, 2006, 01:21 AM
I know this is an old discussion but has anything further been discovered about this hidden plug? Sony can be really weird sometimes.

Chris Barcellos
February 7th, 2006, 01:34 AM
Yes, everyone, that closed off plug, is the same plug I use on my FX1 for charging my batteries on camera, and for AC power.

Boyd Ostroff
February 7th, 2006, 07:55 AM
Personally I'm not interested in plugging my Z1 into an AC line, and I especially don't want to do it through a plug that Sony has intentionally disabled. Read back through old threads here and you'll find several FX1 owners who've had camera problems requiring repairs while the charger was plugged in. I have 2 NP-F970's and a NP-F960; that's all that ever powers my camcorder. Just seems like one less thing to worry about for me...

David Dwyer
February 7th, 2006, 09:58 AM
Yeah just seen my Z1E as it

Alister Chapman
February 7th, 2006, 10:48 AM
I expect It's blanked off because if you were to plug in a Z1 dummy battery type adapter and then accidentaly plugged in a mains adapter or other power source into the T socket you would risk blowing both power units and the Z1 as the T connection would try to charge the dummy battery power adapter. Minimum you could expect is a blown fuse or two, most is a burning camera.

I also suspect that the socket is blanked off as many pro users will use 12v adpters or some other battery adapter to power the camera. As many of these would be non Sony products and possibly capable of providing very high current, by forcing you to remove the battery to power the camera they take away the risk of a power supply being used that could send too much current to the lithium battery and cause it to over charge and possibly explode.

When lithium batteries are over charged or shorted the cells resistance falls, unlike nicads where the resistance rises. When this happens you get a thermal runaway situation and the cell will take more and more current and get hotter and hotter until it either explodes or catches fire. Thats why airlines restrict the size and quantity of lithium batteries that can be carried on aircraft. Most lithium battery packs made by reputable manufacturers contain special thermal and over current protection circuits that should in most cases prevent this from happening, but many generic cheap packs do not.

In addition I prefer the dummy battery as it can't be pulled out or fall out mid shot, also the T plug sticks out quite a way and would be very easy to snap of.

Gareth Watkins
February 7th, 2006, 10:58 AM
Re the mic mount on the FX1.. if you remove the small plastic cover (two screws) there are indeed two holes which go into the chassis by the VCR controls.

I seem to remember seeing a close up Z1 picture which has a small adapter screwed in this position, which in turn takes the Z1 mic mount.

I've actually screwed the Creative video mic mount into these holes and it works very nicely....however I saw a chap do a cheaper option by simply screwing a Beyer dynamics EA86 mount on the side...

these mounts help if you want to use a non stock mic and keep your hotshoes free for a light...


Boyd Ostroff
February 7th, 2006, 12:53 PM
I seem to remember seeing a close up Z1 picture which has a small adapter screwed in this position, which in turn takes the Z1 mic mount.

I've removed the mount from my Z1 because I don't use it and don't like it hanging off the LCD screen. The "small adaptor" you're talking about is visible here. What's in this spot on the FX1? A plastic cap of some kind?

Steven Gotz
February 7th, 2006, 01:39 PM
Some heavy piece or rubber that has no apparent purpose.

Gareth Watkins
February 7th, 2006, 03:47 PM
Hi Boyd

I bet you that the bit where the holes are in your pictues, unscrews to leave the same moulded metal mount as on the FX1...
This is, as Steve says covered with a rubber cap, when you by the camera....
I actually find this a good place for my mic... it is far enough back that doesn't get in the way of the lens, and allows me to use an AT897 with a lightwave windgag
