View Full Version : Media Encoder accessing temp files?

Robert Bobson
September 16th, 2009, 02:27 PM
I'm trying to export the audio from a sequence as a .wav file or an .avi file - but AME keeps freezing.

I've rendered the timeline first.

And I'm choosing EXPORT via my PProCS4 program, but I just noticed that the file that's being called up to be encoded in AME is in the user/local/temp folder(?)

Is this correct and does anyone know why?

also is there a way to open the sequence in AME directly - without having PPro up and running?

thanks dudes!

Harm Millaard
September 16th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Open AME, then use File/Add Premiere Pro Sequence and from the PRPOJ file select the sequence you want to encode. This may take some time, so just be patient.