Brad Simmons
October 1st, 2002, 11:44 PM
I want to hook up a TV or second monitor to my computer, so when i play something in Adobe Premier, It plays on the monitor. Any ideas or thoughts where i should look for that information?
View Full Version : How do I hook up a TV monitor to my computer? Brad Simmons October 1st, 2002, 11:44 PM I want to hook up a TV or second monitor to my computer, so when i play something in Adobe Premier, It plays on the monitor. Any ideas or thoughts where i should look for that information? Rob Lohman October 2nd, 2002, 01:53 AM To my knowledge there are two ways to do this. If you have an XL1 you can leave it ON through firewire and connect your monitor to the camera. You will see everything you do. This however (at least on my system) has the disadvantage that everything is now horribly SLOW in Premiere. The only other way I know is to buy a more serious editing/firewire board from someone like Canopus, Pinnacle or Matrox. These boards have analog (in/)out next to (a) firewire port(s), you can hook up a TV/monitor on that and it will display your editing. I myself am thinking about getting such a board to for the same reason. Brad Simmons October 2nd, 2002, 02:54 AM allright easy enough thanks! Ryan Wachter October 5th, 2002, 01:07 PM **stupid question alert** The firewire card you speak of is the one that you install into your comp correct? I know very little about the internal working of the miniDV camera so i wanted to make sure. Thanks Scott Silverman October 5th, 2002, 03:23 PM I have one of those video cards (nvidia GeForce 4) with a TV out. I was trying to do the same thing you guys are talking about where AP6 outputs the monitor window to a TV monitor. I can't find any way in AP6 to select a TV output as my monitor. Any help on this would be great! Thanks. Adrian Douglas October 5th, 2002, 09:13 PM I'm not familar with the Nvida card but I don't think TV out cards work the way you want it to with Premiere. To get just the monitor window to display on your TV at standard resolution you do infact need a breakout box attached to a third party capture card. Marc Betz October 6th, 2002, 10:52 AM If this helps any... I have an ATI radeon 8500dv which has analog (composit and and s video) as well as digital iee1394 fire wire and analog stereo in and out and a built in tv tuner. Whew!. I use vegas video with my sony pvm14m4u connected to the composit video out of the breakout box. And my lcd monitor connceted to the DVI out on the board. Just drag the preview window onto the the sony monitor and viola! The editing is done on the lcd and the preview (client) screen only shows the output window. Works great. I only wish the 8500 had the capability of supporting another Computer monitor becuse thing can get a little tight on the LCD. This also works in xpress dv 3.0, combustion, Red, 3dsmax etc. haven't used any adobe stuff yet. Good luck Marc Betz October 6th, 2002, 11:05 AM Yes Firewire, iee1394, ilink, are all different names for a communication protocol that is used to transfer digital video in and out of the computer (as well as other data) It can be a seperate PCI card like a ads pyro card, it can be part of your motherboard (very new systems have it), it can also be part of your video sub system like a ati radeon dv card, or it can be on a seperate video transfer card (capture card) such as a pinnacle pro one, matrox rtx, or canops storm/rex. Hope this helps Rob Lohman October 8th, 2002, 03:58 AM Personally I would not use a TV-out, second video card or dual head card or something. Because these will CONVERT the image to display on a monitor/TV. What you want is either a good edit card that has both firewire and analog out or connect a device (like your camera or an firewire->analog converter) to your firewire card to which you connect a TV/monitor. This will get you the signal directly instead of converting it from a square pixel RGB signal (and possibly resizing as well!!). |