Benoit Lemonnier
March 2nd, 2005, 05:42 AM
Do someone know where the user bits information is going in the frames
it's 4 bytes long and i though it was in SSYB data pack of the frames, but i haven't found it.
Do domeone know more about that?
and do someone know where are theshooting informations like obturation speek and aperture?
I need that because i make an editing software under linux to edit my shoots
Pete Bauer
March 2nd, 2005, 09:03 PM
Hi Benoit,
It seems you're undertaking quite a massive project! I've tried to find detailed specifications (eg "Blue Book" specs) on DV and DV-AVI files without much luck. My interest is in trying to better understand how 24pN and 24pA are laid to tape and read by NLEs, but no luck either.
If anyone knows of a solid source of information on technical details of DV files (in my case "for dummies" preferred, whereas Benoit can probably hold his own against any tech manual), please do share!
Benoit Lemonnier
March 3rd, 2005, 06:23 AM
this is a link where i had information
(the most interestion information were the one i found by reading the code source of the libdv)
but it seam strange how it read the ssyb and vaux informations.
it seam to not read all of them.
i have begin to make my own dv data reader, and i will not usr the libdv more longer (it have also a buf when you want YV12 planar data for the pictures, Cb array returned is not good)
Richard Hunter
March 3rd, 2005, 06:47 AM
Hi Benoit. Not sure if you have a budget for this project or not, but you can buy the IEC Blue Book specification for DV at the link below. It's available in English and French, but costs a lot of Swiss Francs or Dollars.