View Full Version : Copy card to tape

Ron Edwards
February 27th, 2005, 04:04 PM
Page 132 of the GL-2 manual states to copy still images from memory card to tape to:
1. select the location where to begin the copy on the tape
2. select the first image to begin copying
3. open menu and select CARD OPER.
4. select copy from two choices (CANCEL & EXECUTE)

I can get through step 3 but can not figure out how to select COPY?

Ron Edwards
February 27th, 2005, 05:29 PM
Three hours of pressing "all the buttons"....and finally figured it out.

The tape I was going to copy to had the "write protection" tab set to protect the tape....would have been nice for the cam to tell me it's little secret....

OH well...won't forget this one!

Chris Hurd
February 27th, 2005, 05:44 PM
Experiences like that can be frustrating sometimes, but you do learn from them.