October 1st, 2002, 07:21 AM
I have tried to capture a full 53 minute movie from my camcorder, using a 20 GB hard drive, capturing at 25fps full DV. Premiere gets to 20 minutes and then shuts down the camcorder, with an error message stating maximum file size has been reached.
What do I need to adjust in order to get longer capturing time. Surely 20GB is sufficient for 53 minutes of video as a continous capture? Do I adjust something in Premiere or Windows itself.
Advice appreciated.
Robert Knecht Schmidt
October 1st, 2002, 07:37 AM
What version of Windows are you using (95, 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP)?
What file system is your system set up for (FAT, NTFS)? You can check this by right-clicking on your hard drive icon and choosing Properties...
What video codec are you using? Do you have any special video hardware (like Canopus or Matrox) or are you using plain old OHCI firewire ports?
October 1st, 2002, 09:01 AM
Windows Xp pro on a Celeron1.7 system, 256 RAM. All drives are , oh hang on, the capture drive is FAT32, which would explain the problem? Windows XP formatted it itself when I installed it, but has defaulted obviously to FAT 32 for some reason, as my windows drive is NTFS.
My fault there, forgot to check the obvious I think. Forgot the file size limitations of the old system. Will re-format and try again.
On another note, I tried video capture using 3 sets of software, Pinnacle Studio, Premiere 6 and Vegas Video 3. Premiere was superb at capturing as 25 fps and gave a rock steady solid monitor image, and dropped zero frames. However Vegas appeared every 10 seconds or so when capturing the same file to jump, as if it had missed a frame or two, although the frames missed counter stayed at zero for the full 10 minute test clip.
Edward Troxel
October 1st, 2002, 10:22 AM
FAT32 is limited to 4GB files - That is the MAXIMUM size for a file in FAT32. Therefore, you are limited to roughly 19 minute chunks. Many programs allow for this and automatically start a new file once the 4GB is reached.
Rob Lohman
October 1st, 2002, 11:04 AM
One tip... never capture to your system partition. Heck, try to
use a different drive altogether.... My windows 2000 and XP
machines each have a dedicated harddisk for the OS and
programs. All the data is either on 1 or more other harddisks
(formatted in NTFS) or I can reach it over my 100 mbit network.