View Full Version : Help from DVRigPro Users

Michael Liebergot
February 26th, 2005, 02:10 PM
I need some help from the DVRigPro users here.
I recieved a DVRigPro last week and am having trouble balancing it, due to my sloping shoulders. I haven't been able to achive a hands off balance yet, as the rig seems to lean to the left or right.
Also, where is the camera supposed to be positioned in conjunction to the right side of the rig. I assume mostly to the right side to keep an even balance on the right side of the rig, and adjust plate to the left to counter. But the support pod isn't lined up with the camera base now.

Being one of those individuals who has sloped shoulders which I believe is the problem here. Is there a different pad that you would recommend I could use?

I see mention of using rubber tubing to place inside the pad. What kind, how thich, and will it be uncomfortable to wear then?

Thank You,
Michael Liebregot

Danny Natovich
February 27th, 2005, 04:24 PM
Hi Michael,

Do not get too busy with trying to reach a hands free position, It is just a "show off" ! you never use it. Pls. note that the slope and height of your shoulder varies with the position of your arms, So there is no point in trying to balance the rig with your hands down, try to get the best results with your hands
slightly touching the grips, this is the normal shooting position.

Normally if you position the holster in the midle of you body, slide the camera to the middle of the front rail and move the back weight to the left, the rig will be balanced.

If you use the LCD, mount the camera further forward on the camera plate and slide the camera away from you on the sliding
QR base. Do not stretch your neck back to focus your eyes on the LCD, Slide the camera away from you. If you are using eye glasses for reading, You have to use them while shooting with the LCD.

Adjust the back weight to the lowest possible position, to lower the center of gravity. If necessary you can bend the shoulder brace to almost 90 degrees. Mail me for instructions.

Take the shoulder pad off, Just tear the velcroes, locate the sleeve, and take the pad to any hardware or gardening store and find some kind of soft piece of tube take few kinds, they will not even charge you for a small piece.

Experiment with the rig and camera, You will not feel uncomfortable since the tube is located above the padding.

I suggest that you ask some one to take few frontal and profile full body photos of you wearing the rig in LCD and view finder shooting positions and mail them to me, and I will correct your posture.