View Full Version : The Edukators

Mathieu Ghekiere
February 25th, 2005, 05:52 PM
Anyone already seen this movie?
It's a German movie, I saw it yesterday, and I found it to be very good:

handheld camerawork that was pretty approperiate, decent editing, VERY GOOD acting performances, and a steady script that had many sides to it.

Go see it, nice little movie!

BTW: I'm sure it was filmed on video, it was very decent quality, and IMDB says it was 35mm, but I know it for sure, and in another review they also stated it was shot on digital video, but sometimes I doubted. I would like to know with what it was shot.

Joe Carney
March 2nd, 2005, 09:51 AM
probably got transferred to film for theatrical release.

Mathieu Ghekiere
March 3rd, 2005, 05:21 AM
Yes, I am sure, I didn't saw it at a movie festival, it was in a cinema, on a 35 mm projection.
Quality sure was fine, just wondered with wich cam it was filmed

Mathieu Ghekiere
March 6th, 2005, 03:25 PM
Found out the movie was shot on a Panasonic 25P DVCPro or something, I could read it in the end credits. Quality was amazing!

Steve Madsen
November 28th, 2005, 04:56 AM
This film is now out on DVD in Oz, and what a little gem it is. It's always fun stumbling across left of center films, music etc and learning about the artists other work. The lead male and director did their first film together - The White Sound, and apparently it's also a bit special. Might be hard to track down though.

Edukators was shot on an SDX900 and transferred to film. It does look good.

This link gives a little info on the transfer process used...