View Full Version : Help- Recording on VHS from XL2

Forbes Hansen
February 24th, 2005, 08:05 PM
My friend needed to put his finished product onto a VHS- can i tape it onto the xl2 from the computer and play it on the TV. Then record it to VHS?

ALSO- it puts it in 4:3 on the TV can i put it in Widescreen so it isnt smooshed all the time. THX

Travis Maynard
February 25th, 2005, 01:45 AM
Im having the same problem. Anything I output from the XL2 to VHS is forced into 4:3. Maybe something canon missed?

Anyone know anything about fixing it?

Rob Lohman
February 26th, 2005, 05:34 AM
Yes, you can hook up a VCR to the XL2 and dub a movie to VHS
in that way. I can imagine you can tell the camera if you have
a widescreen system attached or not (so it can do 4:3 or 16:9).
If not, you are stuck with 4:3. Which isn't too bad. Let me explain.

Unlike with DVD the VHS system has no way to change the signal
to work with both 4:3 and widescreen (16:9) systems. That's why
all commercial tapes are 4:3 and contain letterboxed 16:9 signal
if the movie was widescreen.

For maximum compatability I would definitely create 4:3 letterboxed
tapes and not try to get a anamorphic tape.

If you want maximum resolution and compatability with different
display devices the only way to go is DVD.