View Full Version : B&H Warehouse Fire
Frank Granovski February 24th, 2005, 07:01 PM
Brandon Greenlee February 24th, 2005, 07:28 PM Hope it didn't destroy too much equipment.
I also doubt electronics retailers are able to have much of a 'fire sale'.
Frank Granovski February 24th, 2005, 07:33 PM From the one picture I saw, the fire looks pretty bad. I doubt anything will be saved, but look forward to fire damaged goods at ebay. :)
PS: that's one way of getting rid of the film stock. Hopefully, no one was hurt.
Barry Rivadue February 25th, 2005, 07:50 AM This morning's paper says most of the inventory was destroyed. A shame this somehow couldn't have been prevented.
Marco Leavitt February 25th, 2005, 09:59 AM That explains the Obi Wan Kenobi pang in my chest I suddenly felt last night.
Hugh DiMauro February 25th, 2005, 10:40 AM Do you think EVS and ZGC are doing the happy dance right about now?
I certainly hope not! I do the bulk of my business with B & H and hope they recover quickly. As far as prices and customer service, they are in first place.
And yes, let's hope no one was injured.
Frank Granovski February 25th, 2005, 04:05 PM I'm sure B&H will recover. I'm still going to deal with, even if I may have to wait a bit longer for the item. B&H was were I bought my brand new Nikon FM back in the 70's.
Chris Hurd February 25th, 2005, 04:35 PM Agreed. No doubt they have insurance. They might be "temporarily out of stock" for a little while, but they'll bounce back.
Rob Lohman February 26th, 2005, 06:27 AM All the best to everyone at B&H!
Marco Leavitt March 3rd, 2005, 11:18 AM Well, I made my first purchase since the fire, and it doesn't seem to have slowed down their operation at all. I placed the order on Monday and had it by Wednesday. It came in two boxes too, so some of the items must have come from a separate warehouse. This wasn't shipped overnight either. I chose the cheapest UPS shipping.
Rush Hamden March 5th, 2005, 01:03 AM Unfortunate events like this always get us praying for others in the most terrible of times. A fire is something that dominates your entire life, work, and mind. It is like any disaster. We always put ourselves in the other guys' shoes and hope they are okay. Our Great country was founded on competition, but also compassion. So I feel sympathy for my competitor, and pray that he is on his feet as quickly as possible, because his presence makes me fight harder and reach for higher goals. B&H has always had my respect.
Chris Hurd March 5th, 2005, 01:06 AM Rush, your post speaks miles and miles about your own character. I can't tell you how fortunate I am to have both B&H and EVS behind this site. Much respect to you,
Rush Hamden March 5th, 2005, 01:16 AM Thank you sir!
Ken Tanaka March 5th, 2005, 02:14 AM Caveat: What follows may be more rumor than fact.
A fellow identifying himself as B&H's "Director of Distribution" posted a note at Phil Askey's DPreview (photo) boards indicating that the fire had done little damage to B&H's own inventory and that they expected to be in full swing on the following day. Subsequent customer reports, here and elsewhere, suggest that this might be true.
Henry Posner March 10th, 2005, 12:12 PM Thanks for your concern. The fire was in a warehouse next door to ours. It was not in our warehouse. No one from B&H was injured and as far as I know, no one from the other warehouse was either. Damage to our facility was limited to a smoke and water damage incidental to the NYFD's efforts to extinguish the fire.
We appreciate your concern and messages of good will. To clarify -- we have warehouses in Brooklyn and Manhattan. This fire was in Brooklyn, but not in our facilities.
Richard Veil March 20th, 2005, 04:18 AM Thanks MR Posner
You are the man at BH if you have a problem or if you just need help.
See you in July Henry
Richard Veil March 20th, 2005, 01:50 PM It was not a big fire , Lots of smoke though and BH wasted no time in evacuating everyone in the building in a calm manner. The store Manager's only concern was to evacuate everyone in the store. There was no concern for product or anything else as I was told to drop what I was doing and go to the street.
I asked if I could help and was told no just go to safety.
I have some DV footage of us all standing in the street somewhere.
The people at BH's first concern is you!
A few hours later after the NYC Firefighters gave the all clear and took out their fans we went back to work.
If there is a problem rest assured they will tell you but thank the great whatever that no one was hurt in either fire.
Also I Salute our Firefighters- Thanks Fella's and Gals!
R former reserve and first responder
Rush Hamden March 21st, 2005, 10:59 PM Richard, I am glad you and everyone else were okay.
Richard Veil March 22nd, 2005, 12:10 AM Thanks!
You know just to expand having thought about this after a long time -
The Store Manager and his team really did a awesome job a and the store was empty when I left.
Customers who wanted to buy were told .. NO! Sorry there is a fire and please go outside.
No one was impeaded in anyway and I really have to swear that I had never experienced such focus on the safety of the people rather than the merchendise.
I do have a personal bias but I really think the team at BH has their prioritys straight.
Thanks General manager and Store Manager..
you do what you say and you say what you do