View Full Version : Time code edit between z1u & fx1

Jerry Mohn
February 23rd, 2005, 09:07 AM
Can it be done

they have different TC read outs, the fx1 is missing the first 0

can I edit between footage shot on the FX1 and the Z1 with this difference in TC

I would use free run with FX-1 as a secondary camera

I assume you can but I just wanted confirmation from an actual owner

Thanks in advance

Sean M Lee
February 23rd, 2005, 09:57 AM
sure you can. I hate editing multicam jobs without matching timecode however. We cut a kids show for Nickelodeon and they had no idea how to match time code. I think it took us 6 or 7 months of explaining before they finally figured it out! Their post bills went down, too.
It's a little different to do with Z1s, but can be done using free run. I think the FX1 will only do Rec Run and is not presettable. This is one of the main reasons why we went with the Z1.

Jerry Mohn
February 23rd, 2005, 10:19 AM
I thought that I could use the two cameras together with matching time code. Thanks, so it goes beyond a missing 0 on the short comings of the FX-1 TC, record run only and no way to reset TC. I am going to read the FX1 manual now, thanks for your response. I really don't want to spend the money on 2 Z1's, I was looking forward to buying another high end wireless with the money saved on the FX1.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
February 23rd, 2005, 11:40 AM
You could still sync the material from both cameras by using some visual/audio ident like a clap.
No problem lining the material up in editing later
If the two cameras were working close to each other, you could even shoot the LCD screen with T/C display on one camera by the other camera and work out the offset between the two T/Cs after...


Jerry Mohn
February 23rd, 2005, 01:45 PM
I need a second camera for a lock-down shot or for a hired photog to use in tandem with the Z1, problem is that it is a tough match with native 16:9 ccd. I just hate shelling out another couple grand for the FX-1 if it does not have matching time-code.
Thanks for your input