Greg Harris
February 23rd, 2005, 07:39 AM
Hey I saw this on the Adobe website and just wanted to know if the color correction at the bottom of the page is in AE 6.0 or 6.5 and if it's offere only on Pro or standard??
John Britt
February 23rd, 2005, 09:16 AM
Saw what?
Greg Harris
February 23rd, 2005, 09:23 AM
John Britt
February 23rd, 2005, 11:10 AM
Do you mean the stuff on page 4 of the document? It mentions that they used Photoshop to previz the Technicolor look of the film. Elsewhere it mentions that AE was used to previsualize some specific scenes, as well. It doesn't seem to go into any depth about how AE was used to color correct the film.
Certainly, standard and pro AE come with some great stock tools for color correcting (Curves, Levels, HSL, and more). There are also techniques that people will use in AE to tweak their footage (such as "instant sex") which involve the layer-based Photoshop-esque nature of the program -- these can be done in both Standard or Pro.
Both Standard and Pro also come with Synthetic Aperture's Color Finesse plug-in, a powerful color correction tool which has some of the same tools as AE (Curves, Levels, etc) but many other advantages. Color Finesse does not come with academic versions of AE.
But, I can't tell from this article if they relied on these stock features or if they also used other 3rd party plug-ins or what. In fact, from my reading of the article, I'm not entirely sure that they used AE for final color correcting, unless I overlooked something. They say it became a common "pipeline," but I can't tell if they even used it for all of the color timing.