View Full Version : interchanging lenses with a DVX

Steve Watnet
February 22nd, 2005, 09:25 PM
I'm currently borrowing a XL1; if I buy a wide angle lens, could I use it with a dvx purchased down the line?

Richard Alvarez
February 22nd, 2005, 10:07 PM
I assume you are speaking of the wide angle adapter, not the lens itself, as the DVX does not have interchangeable lenses.

I believe they both use 72mm mounts, no?

Steve Watnet
February 23rd, 2005, 01:18 AM
yes yes. but while we're at it, how exactly does an lens adapter work?

Richard Alvarez
February 23rd, 2005, 09:27 AM

You are confusing terms here, which makes it hard to answer your questions.

"Interchangeable lens" - Means a camera's lenses may be removed and changed. Xl2 has this, DVX does not. With the XL series, you can mount different lenses on the body. The DVX body is stuck with the factory lens permanently mounted on it.

"Lens adapter" - is a device that attached BETWEEN the body of the camera and the interchangeable lens, that allows for mounting a different brand lens on a particular brand of camera. For instance, you might own a Canon xl2, and want to mount some of your NIKON lenses on the body. You will need a "Nikon to Canon" lens adapter.

"Wide angle adapter"- is a lens, or set of lens elements, that attaches to the END of the lens mounted on the camera. This is usually, but not always accomplished by screwing the adapter on to the end of the lens, much as you would a filter, like an ultraviolet filter, or polarizer. Hence, you must know the thread size at the end of the cameras lens. I am fairly certain, that the DVX is the same as the XL2 - 72mm. So in answer to your original question, if I understood it correctly -

A 72mm wide angle adapter, (for instance one manufactured by OPTEX) will fit on the end of either the Pannasonnic DVX or the Canon xl2 standard lens.


Steve Watnet
February 25th, 2005, 06:58 PM
yes i follow--and thanks for the terms, and excuse me for not knowing them.

so your last paragraph is really the answer im looking for. the question should have been:

1. Which wide angle adapters work well on both the XL1 & DVX?

2. And while we're addressing my issues, I'm missing the AC adapter for this dern camera. The manual sez the power supply is 7.2V DC.

Does that mean I can go to Radio Shack and just by an AC adapter there? Samy's doesn't have an official Canon kind.

Richard Alvarez
February 25th, 2005, 07:32 PM
Power supplies have different tip and sleeve combinations, as well as different amperage. You could blow the camera. Check for an authorized dealer for a replacement.

There are only two wide angle adapters that I am aware of Optex and Century Optics manufacture them. Do a search for dealers.

Chris Hurd
March 8th, 2005, 12:09 AM
Any 72mm WA adapter will work with either camera. Century or Optex is the way to go.

Tom Hardwick
March 18th, 2005, 02:16 PM
Yes, Century or Optex, I'll go with that. Best to remember that there's two types of wide-angle converter too - the zoom through and the partial zoom through. The former are of multi-element construction and heavier, more expensive but allow you to use the entire zoom range. The non zoom-throughs are generally cheaper, lighter, more compact, just as sharp, but only allow you to zoom to approximately half way.

But you'll be buying a wide-angle converter for wide-angle work, won't you? So don't get too fixated on the zoom through variety. Remember that all camcorder zooms work better with the w'angle converter removed.
