View Full Version : Any Regrets Buying the FX1 instead of the Z1?

James Darren
February 19th, 2005, 10:43 AM
Hi all,

Does anyone have any regrets buying a FX1 instead of spending the extra money on the Z1?

Besides the PAL/NTSC capabilities & XLR inputs, do you miss any of the other features of the Z1? (like AF assist, DVCAM, B&W Viewfinder, Timecode, etc)

Like to hear your opinions, especially form FX1e PAL owners too as i'm considering buying a PAL model.....

Shannon Rawls
February 19th, 2005, 12:02 PM

Robin Davies-Rollinson
February 19th, 2005, 12:14 PM
Non, je ne regret rien... :-)
XLR's taken care of by my old BeachTek box,
DVCam is not needed and is probably on the way out anyway (so I shoot everything in HDV and anyone who needs the tape in SD can convert it to whatever they want can't they?)
Really, for the extra bucks for the Z1, it just wasn't worth it for me. I can easily shoot for broadcast on the FX1 as it is.
The ONLY gripe I have with Sony is the lack of EBU colour bars on the FX1E. If it was destined for the PAL market, why oh why do we have to put up with NTSC bars? Which do you use in Oz James?


James Darren
February 20th, 2005, 12:16 AM
we use PAL here in Oz....

do you miss the B&W viewfinder for focussing? I've always used B&W viewfinders on shoulder mount cameras when manual focussing.

Shannon, were you trying to say something?

Robin Davies-Rollinson
February 20th, 2005, 02:49 AM
Sorry, I know you use PAL, I meant to ask if you used EBU colour bars and not NTSC...
...and I don't really miss the B&W finder since the focus-expand as well as peaking feature can help a lot.


James Darren
February 22nd, 2005, 08:10 AM
well i'll be trying the FX1 this weekend from my local Sony Pro Shop (as they haven't got the Z1 yet..) so i'll see how I go with it.....

although i'd still love to hear from any FX1 owners about any regrets or any features they miss on their FX1.....

Steven White
February 22nd, 2005, 10:04 AM
The only feature I find myself pining for on the Z1 is the NTSC/PAL switching. Whether that's a small feature, or redicululously huge is a matter of perspective (I think it's a really encouraging trend)... but I don't think the extra features are worth the extra cash.

If audio was the "killer" I could go out and simply buy a awesome XLR mic, portable recorder and a clapperboard for a lot less than the Z1... and if I got the Z1, I still wouldn't have the microphone.

Personally, I'm hoping that by the time my warranty expires, people will have figured out how to hack the FX1 and "turn on" NTSC/PAL switching if it's even possible.

In no ways do I have regrets though - I was shooting HD 3 months ago! The Z1 wouldn't have been available for those projects.


James Darren
February 22nd, 2005, 10:08 AM
Hi Steve,
Yourself being based in Canada, why do you wish you had PAL/HDV 50i?

Steven White
February 22nd, 2005, 11:38 AM
The only reason I'd want PAL is for the CF25 mode, or the possibility of 50i->25"p" and the accompanying "film look"/low framerate. I've already shot stuff in CF24 and am actually quite happy with it, but the workflow with all the 2:3 pull-downs is a real pain.

However, working with NTSC video does let me watch my stuff on local TVs, so I'd expect to work in 60i/24 modes for the majority of the time anyway. Being able to actually view one's footage is nice.

In all honesty, the NTSC/PAL switching of the Z1 is just one of those features I think of as "cool", despite the fact that I have no particularly rational reason for needing/using it.
