View Full Version : Any tips on choosing a replication house?

Kevin Kimmell
February 15th, 2005, 10:38 AM

I'm nearing completion of my first project that will actually be sold. Right now we're going though final edits and getting artwork together and now I'm starting to bid the jobs out to service providers.

I don't see a whole lot of mention of anyone's experiences with providers in this forum. My project is shaping out to be a 2 DVD-5 disc set and I'm getting quotes for a glass mastered run with CSS and Macrovision and then printed and placed with art into a 2-disc case and shrik wrapped.

The pricing I'm getting is a pretty wide range so I'm not sure what to make of it. I've gotten quotes as low as less than $2.50/unit and as high as more than $5.00/unit for an initial run of 500.

And yes, the per unit in this case is referring to both DVDs from different images with different silks on them into the labeled, printed, and shrink wrapped double case.

Assuming I don't screw up the masters, is there really any variance in the service that I'd be getting from these different providers other than perhaps turn-around? Does anyone have particularly good or bad experiences to share from any vendors?

Also (kinda on the same topic) can anyone point me to a primer on mastering to DLT which I will apparently need to do for CSS and/or Macrovision.


Dan Euritt
February 15th, 2005, 05:00 PM
back when i purchased videotape dups for the vw drag racing stuff, i used in san diego with great results... ask for earl, he's been in the dupe business for many years... they now do dvd stuff as well, but it looks like the minimum order is 1,000 discs(?).

one thing i'd be wondering is what dvd blanks these places are useing... made in japan, taiwan, etc.

i have seen some great faq's on dvd replication, but when i google'd 'em right now, i was unable to find the right ones... some of the big hollywood dvd dupe houses have good faqs.