View Full Version : Is anyone offering full movies online to download? .ISO??

Brent Marks
February 14th, 2005, 07:37 PM


Aanarav Sareen
February 14th, 2005, 08:05 PM
For what? and Why?

Brent Marks
February 14th, 2005, 08:21 PM
I wondered if anyone was using this as a distribution method???

I have 45megabit at home and can download a full .iso in no time.


Aanarav Sareen
February 14th, 2005, 08:51 PM
I highly doubt that any one would be doing this, since a lot of people still do not have high speed connections.

Brent Marks
February 14th, 2005, 09:13 PM
I see it being done on adult sites.

But I am looking for non adult content.

I will be offering some of my productions in .iso format.


Rhett Allen
February 14th, 2005, 10:49 PM
45Mb/s or 4.5Mb/s? That's some pretty serious bandwidth if so. I get about 6Mb/s but the problem is most servers can't even serve the data that fast.

I haven't seen anyplace that does this, especially with all the RIAA/MPAA crap going on. They aren't smart enough to figure out how to plan for the future, they just want to whine about slowing sales and point the finger at everyone else instead of embracing technology and using it to their advantage. Hell, it would eat into their profit margins to do their own research, they'll just wait until a third party invests in designing a system to do it and charge the same money for a lesser product. Like iTunes. I think it's a brilliant product, but the record companies didn't come up with it, they just made sure they can still make a killing off of it even though they didn't do anything to help develop it (the record company makes about 3 times what Apple makes off of it). It doesn't cost much less to download an album from there for a consumer, but it doesn't cost the record company ANYTHING! (like CD mastering, printing, packaging, delivering etc.) So you put people out of jobs and increased your profit margins while delivering a little less to the end consumer, I guess that's just business.

-sorry for the rant, I've been thinking about this since it was discussed here a few days ago (on these boards) and it was irritating me. I'd love to find a service like this but it won't happen until someone decides/designs a secure format like Apple did with iTunes and music. The movie studios won't do it... well maybe Sony.

Brent Marks
February 14th, 2005, 11:09 PM
45megabit :)

Aanarav Sareen
February 15th, 2005, 03:30 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Brent Marks : 45megabit :) -->>>

Who is your ISP? That is pretty darn fast.

James Connors
February 15th, 2005, 06:14 AM
sounds like a business line. and i doubt many people will put up iso's of dvdr's for download, its just too much transfer. even if you have a terrabyte of transfer a month (like i do) thats only 200 people downloading a dvdr per month. which, if its something worth downloading, isn't very many people! only way to really do it is have a cluster of people who all have a decent upstream and using bittorrent to supply it to others, less pain on the server end then. at most i'd put an xvid copy up at about 700mb (for a 90min-ish piece) and if anyone wants something better than that, they can start sending the $ my way ;)

Brent Marks
February 15th, 2005, 11:41 AM
I live in a small Internet Village... it's my apartment

I transfer full .iso files of my productions alot...

Was hoping someone else was doing this as well...

It's all about the marketing!

Dan Euritt
February 15th, 2005, 05:03 PM
actually, something similar is being done all the time, via bittorrent peer-to-peer groups... also do a search on "videora".

with videora, you can download all of the latest tv shows in xvid format; csi, lost, etc.

my thoughts are to use windows media digital rights management to license the downloads; the file size would be a lot smaller than the current mpeg2 dvd, because the wmv codec is far superior to mpeg2... this is the future.

you can buy dvd players right now that will play back hi-def wmv discs, so the hardware is here.

Rob Lohman
February 16th, 2005, 07:08 AM
I don't see a reason to put up .ISO or any other image format. Most
people would have no clue what to do with this. If you want full
resolution video just output it using the regular formats (like MPEG2,
AVI (DiVX), QuickTime or Windows Media).

I had a SVCD (nearly full resolution) MPEG-2 file up of my Lady X
episode when it came out. People can download that and directly
use it, instead of having to mount an image with something like
daemon tools or burn it to disc first.

Brent Marks
February 18th, 2005, 12:39 AM
Well sell a product online ... in .ISO format... full 4.7gig files of dvds (this is OUR product!)

and people are buying it and downloading it... if you give it... people will come... well fill a niche nich of early adopters.

I've have a 45megabit connection at home for almost 6 years... 5gigs is nothing (from the right server pushing it out).

Well sell on average about 8-10 copies of our product a day.

So there is definately a demand for full .ISO movies

People wanna get away from their computers, get in front a nice tv and watch the video in the best quality.

James Connors
February 18th, 2005, 05:04 AM
Brent, just beause you have something, doesn't mean many others have :) Especially in the UK, linespeeds are very low and extremely low usage caps are coming in... and people aren't complaining! Our country is getting more and more backwards by the day it seems! I think we'll start to output 4x3 TV more rather than 16x9 as maybe thats also too much for people :P

But the point being, whilst I have no problem with downloading gb's of data on my 750kbit, other people don't like (and aren't able to) download more than 5gb in an entire month. Same with Australia.

Brent Marks
February 18th, 2005, 06:55 AM
not saying everyone has it.... we know its a very small percentage, bit its making us money

you guys all strayed off the subject, which was

does anyone know sites offering product to download in full .iso's?