View Full Version : CFHD and After Effects etc

John Jay
February 14th, 2005, 10:51 AM
in After Effects 6.5, either as a 16 bit or 8 bit project,

footage encoded with 10 bit Cuneform HD 1.2 is interpreted as thousands of colors (16bit) - why?

Also same footage can not be imported into Edius 3.22 - why?

also 8 bit CFHD can not be imported into Edius 3.22 - why?

also why is the data rate profile different between 8 bit and 10 bit encoders - 8 bit uses half samples and half delta (?) samples whereas 10 bit uses all samples

Im confused

David Newman
February 14th, 2005, 12:09 PM
Lots of questions. Are you a Prospect HD user?

When you say version 1.2 of CineForm, only component that has that version number is the Video for Windows (VfW) codec. VfW is 8-bit only standard. You can't use that to encode or decode deeper than 8-bit.

Using Prospect HD, 16-bit After Effects is supported through a custom AE Input/Ouput module, so that deep CineForm files can be written and read. It appears as "CineForm AVI" as an "Output Module" option within the Render Queue.

It seem like you are trying to do everything though the VfW codec which is only for backwards compatibility with odder applications not for deeper image work. This only explains the data rate profile as VfW encoding can't support CineForm's temporal compression (which is switched off when using VfW.)

As for why Edius doesn't work, it might be its limitation. CineForm decoding/encoding is supported via VfW and DirectShow mechanisms, I would have thought Edius would support one of these.

Please email or call me (or CineForm support) directly if you need help with a Prospect HD system.