View Full Version : Ppro - Vegas interaction

Carl Walters
February 13th, 2005, 04:49 AM
Apolgies for posting in this forum, but as it involves premiere and vegas it saves posting in both of them.

I use PPro on my desktop with the Matrox RTX100, encore, auditions etc.

From various threads on this site it looks like Vegas will run on my laptop with no problems.

Okay so onto my problem. I do not want to replace the ppro on the desktop mainly because of the overall cost to build the dedicated system up, however I could do with being able to take a project with me and working on it whilst away from the studio. As I have not yet used Vegas, would I be able to save my project in PPro, to external HD, and then load it into Vegas on the laptop to work on later. I appreciate Vegas probably wouldn't read the ppro project so i expect I would have to save a an avi file each time?

Any suggestions, any body already doing this?


Ed Liew
February 13th, 2005, 07:17 AM
vegas is a good software, prefer it more than premiere. but the "realtime" preview depend alot on the amount of ram on your laptop. if you render or capture footages on different dv codec other than vegas dv codec, it take forever to render the output video.


Peter Jefferson
February 13th, 2005, 08:47 AM
one tiogn to note is that vegas will run pretty much any codedc thats installed on the system.. PremPro DOES NOT.. its very particular with codecs used...

put it this way, once you create a Matrox project u cant go back, however you CAN open that output file from PremPro/Matrox in Vegas IF you have the codec installed on the machine..

Im not too sure if Vegas allows the use of the matrox codec.. i DO know that it allows me to use the Canopus codec though..