View Full Version : worth upgrading from optura XI to GL-2?

Max Sitnikov
February 11th, 2005, 11:48 AM
I have been thinking lately if its worth upgrading from a Xi to the gl2, is there any difference in terms of video quality? Does the RGB Primary Color Filter make colors on par w/ the 3 ccd GL2? Is the low light better?

also if anyone is interested, heres a vid I did w/ a Xi

Dave Ferdinand
February 11th, 2005, 01:17 PM
I have a GL2 and comparing that video you made with it is kinda hard because I don't have IFILM Plus. Watching it on a tiny window is hard to tell, but it looks pretty good. It's clear that you used proper lighting so that helps a lot.

I think the GL2 is better in low light, but you have 16:9 with the Optura, so there's always a trade off. Of course the GL2 has other advantages as well, but is it really worth it?

If you're sticking with widescreen and good lighting I wouldn't bother upgrading.

Or if you're serious about it get a DVX100A... I would!

Tom Hardwick
February 12th, 2005, 11:21 AM
I tend to agree with Dave in that unless you double the cost of your camcorder it's probably not worth changing. The three-chipper has a longer zoom but a smaller side-screen, and its stills to flash memory aren't as detailed. The single-chipper's 16:9 mode isn't a full resolution mode by the way - but it's a bit better than simply blanking off 25% of the screen.

The Xi has a maximum aperture of f1.9 at full tele, whereas the GL2 is f2.9 - well over a stop slower. When it's really gloomy the three chips do tend to give better colour, but the RGB filter Canon are so proud of is simply there because every single-chipper needs such a filter anyway.

What is it that you're not happy with on the Xi? If you tell us we may be able to offer better advice.


Patrick Smith
February 15th, 2005, 08:12 PM
i noticed and still notice a H U G E difference in my Optura 300 in comparison to my Gl-2, even after learning about exposure and white balance etc. i love my gl-2 and am still learning stages, def worth the upgrade. And you can prob find a mint condition one used on here... good luck!