View Full Version : Experimental Movies
Marcin Tyszka February 10th, 2005, 07:13 PM Hey guys I have a paper to write in my film class. I need t opick a film to write about. This is a funky format class and I don't know many experimental movies. I have to pick a film that doesn't give us what we expect from it. Like memento, irreversible or russian ark.. I need titles of those movies which are made not for hollywood .. Can anybody help ?? ?thanks
Filip Kovcin February 10th, 2005, 07:30 PM marcin,
the one and only - he recieved the oscar for his animated film "TANGO" in 1983 (if i'm not wrong).
sometimes he signs his works as ZBIG RYBCZYNSKI
other works:
- orchestra
- kafka
- 4th dimension
- manhattan
- steps
and many, many more.
since you are polish (at least origin) this will be really nice to try.
the following sentence is in polish - just simple info that marcin - if he want may send e-mail message to me in polish language:
marcin, jesli chcesz, napisz mi mejla to ci powiem wiecej o rybczynskim. dzieki
Mitchell Stookey February 10th, 2005, 08:16 PM You could do David Lynch with -
-Eraser Head
-Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
David Cronenberg
-Naked Lunch
Terry Gilliam
-Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
just to name a few
Richard Alvarez February 10th, 2005, 08:58 PM What was the name of the film that was mostly rotoscoped and animated.... "Waking Life" ?? thats a good one.
Marcin Tyszka February 10th, 2005, 09:54 PM Thanks guys for the replies... I will look for those movies and watch it. I heard that Eraser Head was good .Anyways, thanks.
Filip I will write you an email soon ok?:))
Dave Ambrose February 10th, 2005, 10:41 PM I can't think of a more recent experimental movie than Dogville .
Rob Lohman February 11th, 2005, 04:46 AM Russian Ark wasn't made for Hollywood, and it was definitely
experimental (in the camera department).
Filip Kovcin February 11th, 2005, 07:49 AM i'm not marcin's professor, but i think of experimental film in a different way. for me it's really more rybczynski style than russian ark.
does anyone know any of rybczynski's films?
oh, i remembered one - you couldn't miss - video for john lennon's "imagine" - no computers, just priecise "endless" movement - and OLD highdefinition camera - (1125 lines)!
from left to right endless rooms all in white, with manhattan in background.
this video is probably least experimental in his works.
check this link - maybe you can recognize this video
also this
and this
he is real genius!!! just check WHEN (which year) all those films were made!
sorry - maybe i'm annoing, but just found another link.
i will NOT post today any new rybczynski's link, promise :))
maybe you will recognize now...?
Mitchell Stookey February 11th, 2005, 08:42 AM Haha, that single screen shot actually did it for me, I saw that YEARS ago when I was a kid. It starts with a boy's ball bouncing in the kitchen right? And then more characters keep being added to it, like the burglar. It is experimental, but it is a short, is it not? I think to write a paper you would need a feature length film.
Filip Kovcin February 11th, 2005, 09:34 AM <<<-- Originally posted by Mitchell Stookey : It starts with a boy's ball bouncing in the kitchen right? And then more characters keep being added to it, like the burglar. -->>>
yes, it starts with a boy and a ball.
that's the one. and it's short - yes. about 10 minutes i guess.
but i didn't recognized that marcin needs to write about full lenght feature film. if this is the case - then try to find KAFKA by rybczynski this is 1h or something. *there is also another KAFKA but not directed by rybczysnki, kind of more "normal" film.
Marcin Tyszka February 11th, 2005, 02:40 PM Well it doesn't really have to be full lenght film . I have to be able to interpret the message that film has to offer through the way it is made. In last class we watched GEORGE. About two guys walking in desert. That was something increrible:) Well ok thanks guys I will take a look at the titles you gave me and choose something possibly today:) Thanks
Keith Loh February 11th, 2005, 04:24 PM Don't you mean "Gerry"?
Filip Kovcin February 11th, 2005, 07:21 PM of course it was gerry:
marcin! next time i WILL send an info to your professor:)
because "GEORGE" IS NOT THAT movie you mentioned
Filip Kovcin February 11th, 2005, 07:23 PM and definitelly NOT THIS "george"
Marcin Tyszka February 11th, 2005, 11:45 PM hahaha holy crap sorry about that. I ment Gerry.. hah I guess I didin't pay attention in class. Filip thanks for the other george movies you suggest heh :P
Filip Kovcin February 12th, 2005, 05:41 AM so how is your writing marcin?
Yi Fong Yu February 12th, 2005, 05:35 PM try Sergei Esinstein's October or any of his earlier works or any of the "sky" from early Russian films. they are VERY experimental and i'm sure there are books written on exploring them... but it could get boring researching it =). twas boring watching propaganda.
Dimitri De Keukelaere February 13th, 2005, 09:22 AM try the movies of terrence davies
he's an english cineast who made some revolutionary films like 'distant voices,still lives'. realy remarkable movies.
Marcin Tyszka February 14th, 2005, 07:59 AM would Blue Velved by david lynch be considered???? Someone told me to try this one.
Dimitri De Keukelaere February 14th, 2005, 12:45 PM well ' Blue Velvet' is not exactly experimental anymore i think . he's just doing the same and the same all over. but hey if you're a fan of david lynch i think you'll like it in a personal way ,and if you are taking a movie of him better to take eraserhead.
btw distant voices still lives will blow you away, also try to see ' in the mood for love '
Marcin Tyszka February 14th, 2005, 03:15 PM My friend told me to take something different that professor expects.. Professor probably watched earaser head 10000 times... So he may grade it harsher.. Just a thought
Dimitri De Keukelaere February 14th, 2005, 04:09 PM well i said to see it for personal reasons and if you had to choose one i'd choose eraserhead because blue velvet is more famous and more watchable and less experimental because its all the same in lynche's movies. eraserhead started it all and blue velvet is merely a stilistic follow up.well if you need anymore help just say so
p.s here are some more films i think that are ''experimental''
-coffee and cigarettes from jim jarmush
-dead men also from jim jarmush
-short cuts from robert altman
and many more but for the moment i cant remember them
Mathieu Ghekiere February 14th, 2005, 04:59 PM It's Dead Man ;-)
And you write I with a capital letter, Dimi ;-)
Welcome on the boards dimi :-p
Shawn Mielke February 14th, 2005, 05:39 PM I think it's funny how anything non Hollywood is considered "experimental". Very strange. I guess "experimental" is anything that hasn't been done rather identically a thousand times over.
Stan Brakhage:
The Brothers Quay:*
Order- From Cremaster 3:
Fando & Lis:
Mark Sasahara February 14th, 2005, 11:12 PM Interesting/experimental/weird films
Un Chien Andalou - Luis Bunuel
Mulholland Drive - David Lynch, not really experimental, but different.
Eraserhead - also Lynch
Meshes of the Afternoon - Maya Deren
Koyaanisqustsi (part 1 of a trilogy) - Godfrey Reggio
Dimitri De Keukelaere February 15th, 2005, 12:27 PM the know what ''i'' mean you sexy thing ;-)
btw we know each other :-)
Marcin Tyszka February 15th, 2005, 06:37 PM would Monty Python's Flying Circus be considered as something experimental?? I think I will have a problem with this paper.. I will watch eraserhead because I have acces to it and see, and I'm bad on writting papers:/ Well we will see.
Chris Hurd February 15th, 2005, 09:41 PM For Filip Kovcin -- man, you and I have a lot in common. Not only an admiration of Lev Kuhleshov, but now Zbigniew Rybczynski! I am a huge fan of his -- one of the original "video artists," in the same league as Ernie Kovacs. Wow!
Filip Kovcin February 16th, 2005, 02:21 PM chris,
we MUST talk about it. what a coincidence, or it's not... :)
i adore rybczynski's films and once i even talked to him for 7 hours, just about his films, aproach, solutions of certain "tricks" etc, many of his films i analized FRAME BY FRAME... but this is maybe not for this forum.
if you want - you can contact me via my normal mail, and we can talk about his movies etc. i'm sure we will have a LOT to discover and share!
Marcin Tyszka February 16th, 2005, 05:00 PM hey guys I watched eraserhead and I will write paper about it. It is kind of hard t ointerpret this film ... Well there are many ways to explain this whole situation.. Can anybody help me with this???? Any ideas???? Filip I will look for Zbigniew Rybczynski's films I'm sure it is good stuff.
Dimitri De Keukelaere February 17th, 2005, 12:07 PM well one thing i know is that the environment was based on lynch's his collegetime.he had to live in an industrial zone so it tells more about his experience there about the loneniless.About the baby i think its about his opinion about the hypocrisie in the society.well thats about i know about it
Antoni Bohdanowicz March 5th, 2005, 02:47 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Marcin Tyszka : Hey guys I have a paper to write in my film class. I need t opick a film to write about. This is a funky format class and I don't know many experimental movies. I have to pick a film that doesn't give us what we expect from it. Like memento, irreversible or russian ark.. I need titles of those movies which are made not for hollywood .. Can anybody help ?? ?thanks -->>>
Do you mean amateur films? I have a few amateur Polish films, I guess you speak polish, because your name seems to tell me that. You can contact me at, and i'll try to send over a film if you want it. Cheers, Antoni