View Full Version : NASA's "Brain Bites"

Ken Tanaka
February 10th, 2005, 03:26 PM
NASA has created a Web site featuring little videos meant to answer common questions about space flight.

This one will be of greatest interest ( to most folks.

Pete Bauer
February 10th, 2005, 04:09 PM
Oh, great. Thanks a LOT, that NASA's Dirty Little Secret is out just as Congress is considering the budget, I'm out of a job! :-)~

Actually, they left out the best part: in the potty trainer at Johnson Space Center, they have a video camera inside the toilet so astronauts can get, shall we say, the "rear-view mirror view" to learn proper potty positioning. Yes, for real!

PS: 4 Sale. One slightly used camcorder. :-)

Ken Tanaka
February 10th, 2005, 04:51 PM
Eeww! And here I thought this would be completely off-topic here.

Irresistable follow-ups:

- This gives a whole new meaning to "B-roll" shots.

- Do they use 1-chippers or 3-chippers?

- Yet another reason to remain wary of auctions representing cameras as "only used indoors under controlled conditions"

- One context in which "Mini35 adapter" would not be desirable.

- Also not an application in which "24P" would necessarily represent what you might think.

John Sandel
February 10th, 2005, 04:55 PM
If that tickles your, um, fancy, then this will look positively prescient: