View Full Version : Adobe audition question

Carl Walters
February 9th, 2005, 03:00 PM
I am just getting into audition for tweaking my soundtracks.
I usually record a second sound track using a mini disk recorder. THis has to be loaded into audition using the line in (analogue). Although I can record into audition and get great sounds i can't figure out how to actually monitor the sound being imported. I can monitor the levels but not the actual sound. It's okay on playback but I need to be able to monitor whats going in. Headphones into the mini disk is not an option as I have to use the socket for the output into the Pc.
Am I just missing some simple tick box in a menu somewhere?

Pete Bauer
February 9th, 2005, 09:50 PM
Hi Carl,

I'm not entirely sure this will help, but according to the manual, Audition itself doesn't control the sound card's input and output. If a signal is going in to the sound card and being recorded at good gain by Audition, it should be audible from speakers/headphones connected to the card's speaker output as long as the line in (or microphone) settings are correct.

To check your settings:
-- Right click the little speaker icon in the task bar
-- Select Open Volume Control
-- Option >> Properties >>
--- For both Record and Playback radio button settings, make sure that Line In (or microphone) is checked in the drop-down box
--- Click OK
-- Make sure the Line In (or microphone) slider is at adequate gain and the Mute checkbox is NOT checked. If using the microphone input rather than Line In, you might have to click the Advanced button and check Boost Gain.

That should allow you to hear the playback...if not, then let us know and we can scratch our skulls some more.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
February 9th, 2005, 11:01 PM
Is your sound card full duplex? Otherwise, you won't hear this anyway on ingest...