View Full Version : Movie Production Forum

Glenn Gipson
February 9th, 2005, 01:57 PM
Is it a good idea? I see that there is a forum for Wedding/Event Videograpghers, but none for Movie Makers. I would guess that a large percentage of the members here at least dabble in Movie Production, while a tiny few (like myself) are professionally committed to it. Just an idea...

K. Forman
February 9th, 2005, 02:26 PM
I think it would be a great place for all of those production questions. It seems that there are almost as many film makers here, as there are wedding videographers.

Josh Bass
February 9th, 2005, 02:41 PM
I thought the whole site was a movie production forum. :-)

Ken Tanaka
February 9th, 2005, 03:23 PM
Chris is a sucker for logic and he considers all such propositions for new sections. Several of our existing sections were the genesis of such propositions.

But you need to bake that tater a little longer. Josh is basically right; the topical focus of most of the forum's sections came about because folks needed more specific discussion venues from aggregated areas. The wedding section may seem like an aggregated area but it's anything but. It's highly specialized for topics unique to wedding and event coverage issues.

"Movie production" encompasses a wide variety of specialized subjects, from cameras to lighting to legal issues. All of these subjects would seem to be well covered here.

So, as Chris needs to populate a new forum with existing threads, give us some links to current threads that you believe would be better served in such a "movie production" section.

Josh Bass
February 9th, 2005, 06:34 PM
I wasn't trying to be snarky. I just remember that when I found the site, it was all about indie filmmaking, much of it focused on the XL1s. The event/wedding/depo stuff came later, it seems. I could be wrong.

Glenn Gipson
February 10th, 2005, 06:16 AM
So, as Chris needs to populate a new forum with existing threads, give us some links to current threads that you believe would be better served in such a "movie production" section. -->>>

I would say that the threads are there, you just have to type in a phrases like "Movie Production," or "Directing" in the search tool. I would bet you that there are more then a hundred threads that mostly pertain to the craft of movie production, but I don't have enough time to dig them all out.

Chris Hurd
February 11th, 2005, 11:04 AM
Yeah, Glenn, like *I* have the time to dig them out! Just kidding, heh.

Anything is possible here at DV Info -- many of our boards came into being as a result of direct requests from members. I would have to ask, how would you define a movie production forum. Not only what would go into it, but what would not.

We already have camera-specific boards for camera-specific questions, and we have a "Film Look with DV" board, a "Helping Hands" board for seeking out crew members and productions, and so on. So if we boil it down to the specific topic of "independent film production" as in, not film per se, but narrative story-telling for entertainment purposes, as opposed to, say, wedding and event video techniques), what exactly would fall into that category? I'll need some examples of what we'd discuss there, keeping in mind that we already have dedicated boards for tripods, cranes, audio, lighting, P+S Mini35 adapters, and so on. I need some enlightenment.

Christopher C. Murphy
February 11th, 2005, 11:18 AM
I'd be hugely into an "Independent Film Production" forum.

We could discuss "pre", "pro" and "post" - everything and anything. To get specific.....story ideas, storyboards, crew roles and objectives, screenwriting tips, audio/video issues related to SCRIPTED material, HDV production in relation to indie film (because it's so damn hot), get lots of colleague encouragement regarding our specific films....also, archives of important running topics of each others films.

The biggest benefit I see? Having a dedicated thread (within a new "Independent Film Production" forum) of your film.

I'd love to start a discussion about my latest film and see the thread grow. We have threads here that go for months (years!) about a piece of equipment. What about actually film projects!

That's my 2 cents..


Glenn Gipson
February 11th, 2005, 12:14 PM
The forum could discuss any or all of the following topics:

1. Script Writing
2. Casting
3. Budgeting
4. Directing the Actor
5. Directing the Camera
6. Producing
7. Gripping
8. Art Direction
9. Editing for Motion Pictures
10. Catering
11. Crew & Cast Relations
12. The Motion Picture Market
13. Sharing Financing approaches
14. Sharing Market experience
15. The state of the Movie Industry

But like you said, it would probably be best to see how many people chime in on wanting such a forum via this thread.

Pete Bauer
February 11th, 2005, 12:43 PM
If it is practical to do, I'd be happy to see an Indie Filmmaker's forum. But it probably isn't really ESSENTIAL, either.

While I do think that Josh's comment, "I thought the whole site was a movie production forum" is fair, if you change that to "indie movie production" then it wouldn't be. There are so many other ways to make use of DV; wedding/event video is the one (so far) that has risen to the level of earning its own place in the Special Interests area. FWIW, making an "indie film" never even crossed my mind until I started seeing some scattered posts here on DVinfo. Yet now that it is on my To Do list, I am finding it difficult to find very much solid information on the is a bit scattered through the various existing areas rather than being a topic unto itself.

Then again, if people are really interested in a topic such as making indie films, there's nothing to stop them from posting a question in the most appropriate existing forum. I've done that a couple times and gotten some good information back from helpful folks. It simply requires a little more "digging and searching." Just my 2 cents.

Chris Hurd
February 11th, 2005, 01:10 PM
Thanks for the insight, Pete.

I'm confident that we can come up with a good number of existing threads to kick off such a board. My only real reservation concerns cross-posting. We've had to endure an onslaught of them recently. Somebody new may come in, they've got a DVX and they're in pre-pro for their little indie. Do they post on the DVX board, the Film Look board or the Movie Production board? All depends on what they're asking, I guess.

Now let me ask you guys this question: what would you call this new forum? I'm resisting "movie" because well, doesn't it sound kind of cheesy? And it definitely isn't "film" when you get right down to it, although it's well known around here that in the past I've gone on record stating that the term "filmmaking" applies even if you're using a camcorder and even if you're not transferring the project to film.

"Narrative Storytelling" might be a bit too clinical. And a production may not actually be "Independent." So I'm open to ideas. Matter of fact, somebody should wake up Chas and get him in on this! Truth is he's probably busy on set somewhere right now.

Joshua Provost
February 11th, 2005, 01:50 PM
Not to be too highbrow, but I think the difference between a movie and film is the approach and intent, whether it is primarily an artistic endeavor, or a commercial one. Emphasis on primarily, since almost all Hollywood movies are commerical endeavors, but some are better than others. Example: Batman, film; Batman Forever, movie. Both shot on film, though I would hesitate to refer to the latter as a film.

One of my favorite lines is from Bowfinger: "We're making a movie here, not a film!"

I just realized I have contributed nothing to advancing this thread, sorry. :)

Chris Hurd
February 11th, 2005, 02:06 PM
Actually Joshua you just gave me an idea. What if we called it "Digital Cinema." I wonder if that term would step on anybody's toes.

Glenn Gipson
February 11th, 2005, 03:04 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : Actually Joshua you just gave me an idea. What if we called it "Digital Cinema." I wonder if that term would step on anybody's toes. -->>>

Perfect. I also think that Indie Film production can encompass documentary as well, and I don't think that should be the focus of the forum. Another option is simply calling it "Digital Movie Production," but Digital Cinema is definately more classy.

Pete Bauer
February 11th, 2005, 03:09 PM
Brilliant! One vote in favor.

Chris Hurd
February 11th, 2005, 03:09 PM

<< get lots of colleague encouragement regarding our specific films....also, archives of important running topics of each others films. The biggest benefit I see? Having a dedicated thread (within a new "Independent Film Production" forum) of your film. >>

But don't we have this already, in our DV For the Masses forum?

Just trying to nail down the particulars.

Dylan Couper
February 11th, 2005, 04:19 PM
How about:

"Fun With Flim"?

Christopher C. Murphy
February 11th, 2005, 04:33 PM
Chris, - yes, but a central location for all things "film" make sense to me.

Also, I prefer the "Independent Film Production" type verbage over anything else. I only call them "movies" when I go to the theater and watch one. If I'm making one I call them "films" - they do that in Hollywood mostly too. If you listen....more often directors and producers use "film" when describing their work. Maybe it's me, but "movies" doesn't have the sexy sound of "film". Yes, I have to much time on my hands.

Another possible idea for a title - "Independent Filmmaking" OR what about having a main title and breaking down sections? "Dev", "Pre", "Pro" and "Post"?

Joshua Provost
February 11th, 2005, 04:51 PM
It's sort of like sorting by "form" instead of "function". We already have functional forums: tape, lighting, film look, tripods, etc. For form you might have: narrative, documentary, music video (hey!), wedding/events. The function forums are technical, but general. The form forums are specific and can deal with the form itself, such as editing and lighting styles specific to music videos, narrative shorts, trends, etc.

Rhett Allen
February 11th, 2005, 05:06 PM
It's like Master Hurd eluded, is this going to make things a LOT more complicated? I mean now your going to have questions asked in the Digital Cinema forum that are covered ad nauseam on the various other boards. Like "what is a good beginners lighting kit?" or "which setting should I use on my DVX for this or that effect?", "what's a good microphone, tripod, external recorder, camera, bla, bla, bla?" You know how it goes.

So what are the REAL differences between making a 30 minute documentary, 30 second commercial or a 2 hour film? These are the types of subjects that could be covered in a "Cinema" forum because technically, it's really not that much different than anything else video related. You still need cameras, supports, lights, sound and then editing and post and many of the same legal issues. So why is a new forum needed? Or WHAT do you want to talk about that is not already here? (keep in mind you can always search from the root level forum as well as specific forums)
I think it's a nice idea, I just wouldn't want it to dilute or confuse the information already available here. An XL2 is an XL2 is an XL2. It doesn't matter what you're using it for, it's the same camera and it still works the same.

I think the addition of a "Wedding" forum was justified because of the more specific nature of that business. It is not scripted and there is no take two. That in itself makes it a different enough beast to quantify a separate forum.

Chris Hurd
February 11th, 2005, 05:22 PM

<< I mean now your going to have questions asked in the Digital Cinema forum that are covered ad nauseam on the various other boards. >>

A good moderator will move those posts to the appropriate boards. And now I'm thinking, to avoid this exact issue and to help cut down on our growing cross-posting problem, we should probably have a detailed forum description at the top of each board's index page. Although it would have to be short and sweet, to keep things above the fold.


"This forum is for yada yada yada, and to discuss yada this and yada that. This forum is NOT for audio production (link), lighting (link), or how to edit with Vegas (link)"

...or something like that.

Rhett Allen
February 11th, 2005, 09:24 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd :... we should probably have a detailed forum description at the top of each board's index page. Although it would have to be short and sweet, to keep things above the fold.


"This forum is for yada yada yada, and to discuss yada this and yada that. This forum is NOT for audio production (link), lighting (link), or how to edit with Vegas (link)"

...or something like that. -->>>

That would be very helpful.

I mean, I've seen questions posted like (a recent one) "problem with XL2 and FCP" ( It was posted in the XL2 forum. Does it belong in the "XL2" forum or the "Editing for the Mac" forum? Both would be good places, but now if it were for a "Digital Cinema" production, it could end up in there and thus be even further from the answer. That's what I would be concerned with. Poor Kevin, just waiting around for an answer, blissfully unaware there is a better place, because he's asking about his "cinema" project.
That's kind of an extreme but you get the jest. There are a bunch of topics to discuss with "Digital Cinema" but I wouldn't really think "hardware" would really be one of them, except... and here's the kicker... film transfers! Do you talk about camera specific (XL,PD,DVX etc.) film transfer of frame rate/field rate specific film transfers(ie. 60i, 50i, 24p, 24pA, 25p, 30p)? Then there's HDV for film transfers AND the new HDV boards (! Oh, it just keeps getting more complicated. Whew! Glad I don't have to make those decisions! Hat's off to the KennelMaster!

Chris Hurd
February 15th, 2005, 09:43 PM
Okay folks, you asked for it, you've got it...

The new forum is up! "Techiques of Independent Production (" is what we're calling it. Put it to good use,

Joshua Branning
April 29th, 2005, 02:44 PM

Definetly has a nice ring to it.

Jesse Bekas
April 30th, 2005, 09:35 AM
Well, I'm a little late to this discussion ;) , but I just wanted to mention something that hasn't been brought up already.

When I read through the board, there are a few forums I skip because they don't really concern what I do. As the forums get more and more specific, there will likely be less forums that I'm reading consistently.

A lot of my reading here is in topics that I just happen upon in the forums I stick to, but they are often topics that I'm not necessarily seeking out. So as we divide and divide the forum up, I think there are going to be less discussions that we all just "happen upon."

Maybe that's a good thing and the discussions will be shorter and more to the point, or maybe it'll be bad and discussions will end up involving fewer members.

Hmmm...Does anybody get that? I don't feel like I'm properly communicating what I mean. :(

Chris Hurd
April 30th, 2005, 10:05 AM
I agree, it will be harder to just stumble upon things. Right now you can collapse entire categories to make the forum index page much shorter, thereby missing out on whole sections if that's what you choose to do. I'm looking into ways that a person can opt into if they'd like to find things that might interest them... but more about that later,

Pete Wilie
April 30th, 2005, 08:24 PM
An easy way to view a sprinkling of all topics is to click on the "New Posts" link at the top of the page. This will give you new posts from ALL sections, so you have the opportunity to "happen upon" something.

Laurence Maher
May 9th, 2005, 05:10 AM
Well the unfortunate truth is I do both Weddings and movies . . . the former of which has literally no interest to me accept money, and I consider it something of an assembly line, artless day job. There's one reason I come to this site/ digital filmmaking. Movies, man, movies, and how to create a good one much less expenssively than my last endevor, which was shot on 16mm and was very difficult and laborious. If you guys make a "indie filmmaking" section/forum, I . . . am . . . there.

Dylan Couper
May 12th, 2005, 10:27 PM
Well the unfortunate truth is I do both Weddings and movies . . . the former of which has literally no interest to me accept money, and I consider it something of an assembly line, artless day job. There's one reason I come to this site/ digital filmmaking. Movies, man, movies, and how to create a good one much less expenssively than my last endevor, which was shot on 16mm and was very difficult and laborious. If you guys make a "indie filmmaking" section/forum, I . . . am . . . there.

Um, we did.

Chris Hurd
May 13th, 2005, 07:04 AM
And the link is

Dylan Couper
May 13th, 2005, 09:16 AM
Shucks, I was going to make him look.... ;)

Sean McHenry
July 16th, 2005, 10:35 PM
Hey guys,
Coming from both a long term boradcasting role and lately a post production role, there is a BUNCH of difference in the way things are pulled together in various branches of what we so loosely cal "Video Production" or whatever term applies to the "community" section of

I think an Indie forum would be a great addition. There are things that are talked about in the other forums, like lighting and how to pull a green screen and so on but there could be a single outlet for everything that has been listed. I am particularly interested in the concept of story development and the psychology used in character studies.

Odd stuff like how the dominant color in a scene can set a psychological mood in the viewer. How to effectively present a script to a potential backer, all stuff indie guys need to know and do but is never dealt with as a cohesive effort on our other forums.

I understand if the job would be overwhelming but I think it would be a great addition. I suppose I see it as more soft goods than hardware discussions. We can talk about lights and tripods elsewhere but we cant talk about Mamet or Lucas and their treatment of main characters in feature films anywhere. We can talk about lighting hardware but it would be nice to talk about lighting design or script formats, lessons on storyboarding, that sort of thing.

Thanks for listening.

Dylan Couper
July 17th, 2005, 12:10 AM

Techniques for Independent Production is our indie/movie forum.
There are two forums here for discussing films as well.


Sean McHenry
July 17th, 2005, 02:57 AM
Well I'll be. See what happens when the subtopics are burried. Cool. Thanks for pointing that one out. Now I'll be up the rest of the night...

My work here is done.
