View Full Version : American Dad is to Family Guy what Futurama is to The Simpsons. they're all top notch

Yi Fong Yu
February 7th, 2005, 07:55 PM
have ya'll seen it? wow, American Dad is awesome. it's like Family Guy never left. Seth simply picked up where he left off. what a brilliant comedy. i luv all the irreverence all over the place =).

Imran Zaidi
February 7th, 2005, 11:33 PM
I haven't seen it yet but I taped it on my DVR after the fat men in tights got done tossing a ball around, and am waiting for a nice moment to settle down and watch it. I'm glad that people are enjoying it - I've been waiting for more from Seth MacFarlane for a while. I thought he was working on more Family Guy - but I guess this was in the works instead...

Dylan Couper
February 8th, 2005, 09:43 AM
Sorry, AMerican Dad was terrible.

It is basicaly a Family Guy clone, with the same characters only changed slightly. However, it is only about 1/5th as funny as Family Guy (or SImpsons). We watched it as a room full of drunk guys after the SuperBowl and Simpsons, and all of us were pretty much bored half way through it. Two people decided to go home at that point, not even finishing it. I was tempted to too.

I think it's going to arrive DOA in May, and probably won't make a full season. With the exception of one or two jokes, it was BAD BAD BAD.

Marco Leavitt
February 8th, 2005, 10:03 AM
I kind of liked it, but I don't really see the point since they're making new Family Guy episodes.

Jesse Rosten
February 8th, 2005, 10:33 AM
Yes, I saw a promo spot that said new episodes of Family Guy are coming out in May. I bet that's when they can American Dad. They're just too similar. (with the exception of Family Guy being way funnier)

Yi Fong Yu
February 8th, 2005, 06:03 PM
i'd give it more chance. i mean the bit with the dog is priceless. and you're right it is pretty familar territory. it's like a family guy clone because that's what seth did AFTER cancellation but due to DVD's popularity they brought back FG. now's gonna be a strange time cause american dad will try to steal the thunder from FG and vice versa. ah well.

Imran Zaidi
February 8th, 2005, 07:57 PM
Finally saw it. It's funny - I did laugh out loud a couple of times which I rarely do. Not supremely impressed though, although I liked the alien and the fish - they're hysterical. The kid was a little too much like those annoying kids in that Rugrats kids cartoon. And the dad - well he was mostly just a political statement. Overall the only thing it really did for me is get me amped up for the grand return of Family Guy!!!

Dylan Couper
February 8th, 2005, 08:02 PM
I have to say, the converstation between God and Bush made it worth watching.

Imran, good point about Rugrats, I knew the kid was too familliar.

Also, the alien.... I didn't like Alf, but at least he was original. This one ain't.

In fact, I think the only original thing in American Dad was the goldfish!

James Connors
February 14th, 2005, 04:40 AM
American Dad has only proved that Seth McFarlan is a one trick pony unfortunately. Futurama was a brilliant progression past The Simpsons, whereas American Dad is nothing more than a clone.

Shame, I had high hopes.

Dylan Couper
February 14th, 2005, 10:14 AM
Sadly it seems you are correct.
Another excellent evolution was Mike Judge's Beavis And Butthead to King Of The Hill.

Futurama is also my favorite animated show ever. Even over Simpsons and Scooby Doo. I wish they were still making it.

Imran Zaidi
February 14th, 2005, 11:17 AM
I'm a big Futurama fan too. I had heard that it was also coming back from the dead. Let me see if I can dig up where I read that...

Scratch that - it was just a rumor.

Keith Loh
February 14th, 2005, 11:24 AM

Futurama. The only cartoon for nerds.

Yi Fong Yu
February 14th, 2005, 12:08 PM
i luv futurama as well. i hope matt G has some sense to continue it because sci fi is truly the genre of all genre and the show can last longer than simpsons... where, frankly, it has become very stale. they should abandon simpsons and start building on futurama. i think it can last 20+ years if it wants to. SF is truly endless.

Keith Loh
February 14th, 2005, 01:27 PM
Except Futurama has already been off the air...

Imran Zaidi
February 14th, 2005, 02:18 PM
Technically, thanks to the Toon network, it's never actually been off the air. And from what I understand, it's got quite a life there. The Toon network brought Family Guy back into active development - lets hope that the same happens for Futurama.

Oh, and buy the Futurama DVD collections if you want to voice your opinions to Fox - if the DVDs keep selling out, then there's the biggest statement there is that they can still make money off the show...

Johan Manders
February 14th, 2005, 04:08 PM
I just wanted to say Futurama Rules!

- Zoidberg:
"Woewoewoewoe...Friends! Help! A guinea pig tricked me!"
- Bender (singing):
"Fry cracked corn and I don't care,
Leela cracked corn, I still don't care,
Bender cracked corn and he is great!
Take that you stupid corn!"

Dylan Couper
February 15th, 2005, 01:16 AM
I watch Futurama everynight on Teletoon up here in Canada. TBS also shows it. Both of them run back to back with Family Guy. Besides 24 and Lost, it's the best hour of TV for me.

Dennis Liu
March 2nd, 2005, 02:17 AM
Futurama is awesome, but, The Simpsons - I am very disappointed. I don't know what is wrong with the show, but I don't know any of the characters anymore. No one acts like they used to, it's like they're just saying random things now, the new episodes are NOT FUNNY at all compared to the old ones. The Simpsons was such a great show - there have been so many great episodes, but all the new ones are tasteless.

They should have stopped the Simpsons before they killed it with the truly horrible new episodes. In Futurama's case, it was great all the way, although it didn't last as long, it has a perfect track record.


Yi Fong Yu
March 2nd, 2005, 12:56 PM
re: simpsons, like last week's ep on gay marriage. i thought it wasn't very funny at all. it's a stale idea and they've done everything they can with the simpsons, they should finish it. i dunno who is actually still watching the show for the funny, cause the funny doesn't exist anymore in that show. they should cancel simpsons and bring back futurama.

Keith Loh
March 2nd, 2005, 01:23 PM
There was an episode a few seasons back when a character that looks suspiciously like Matt Groening appeared (he was a studio engineer). After a really lame gag someone asks the Groening character "last season, right?" Groening-alike: "Yup."

But that was a few seasons ago.