Leigh Wanstead
February 7th, 2005, 02:12 PM
Hello everyone,
I read following article. http://www.creativecow.net/articles/galvano_steven/magic_bullet/
Can anyone explain to me how to promoting shadows, contrasts and washout whites mentioned in the article?
Rob Lohman
February 20th, 2005, 09:50 AM
I'm not exactly sure of your question, but I'm gonna try and give
you an answer. The article says:The Set: The trick is not to just light well, but to light like film. Promoting shadows, contrasts, short depths of field, and washout whites will all help. We used (on select shots) our Mole-Richardson 1ks and Mickey Moles to burn out the background, and create a simple hot light configuration. We used a small soft box for fill. We did not use a hair light (used on typical 3 point systems).Most of this is fairly common knowledge in lighting. Do not only
light for the highlights but also the shadows, make sure you place
and sculpt your shadows. Sometimes less light is better!
Contrast is the term to describe the difference between dark and
light. The higher this different the more contrasty or defined the
look will be. The lower the contrast the more dull, flat and like a
haze is infront of the camera it will look.
Washout whites is a technique to kinda seperate the action from
the backgrounds. Usually this is done if the background is out of
focus and you get this nice kind of overexposed glow.
Chris Hurd
February 20th, 2005, 11:31 AM
Hi Leigh,
Rob has tried to contact you via email, but it seems to have bounced back. Could you please send me a valid email address so I can update your account profile? Thanks in advance,
Leigh Wanstead
February 24th, 2005, 03:48 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : Hi Leigh,
Rob has tried to contact you via email, but it seems to have bounced back. Could you please send me a valid email address so I can update your account profile? Thanks in advance, -->>>
Hi Chris,
I updated my email address.
Leigh Wanstead
February 24th, 2005, 03:50 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Rob Lohman : I'm not exactly sure of your question, but I'm gonna try and give
you an answer. The article says:Most of this is fairly common knowledge in lighting. Do not only
light for the highlights but also the shadows, make sure you place
and sculpt your shadows. Sometimes less light is better!
Contrast is the term to describe the difference between dark and
light. The higher this different the more contrasty or defined the
look will be. The lower the contrast the more dull, flat and like a
haze is infront of the camera it will look.
Washout whites is a technique to kinda seperate the action from
the backgrounds. Usually this is done if the background is out of
focus and you get this nice kind of overexposed glow. -->>>
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the post.