Jay Stevens
February 5th, 2005, 10:37 AM
I shot some test footage w/ my new shotgun mic and w/o it using the onboard mic. Sounds fine on the computer after capturing and burning to dvd but can't hear the audio shot with the shotgun mic on my home dvd player connected to my television. However, you can hear the audio from the onboard. I can hear all the audio when playing the dvd on my computer. What's up?!!!
Rob Lohman
February 6th, 2005, 05:20 AM
How can you hear the onboard mic if you claim you shot without
using it?
This sounds like you recorded 4 channel audio instead of 2 channel
and have both channels. Since the onboard mic is on the first
channel (I assume) this is probably what was used to encode
the audio stream for DVD. So either you need to remove this
track and make sure only the track you want is there or you need
to downmix the whole thing to two channels (1 stereo channel)
so it can use the audio from that.
Jay Stevens
February 6th, 2005, 10:08 AM
What I wrote "I shot some test footage w/ my new shotgun mic and w/o it using the onboard mic." meant that I shot some footage with the shotgun mic alone and then unplugged it and used the onboard mic alone. I have since figured out the problem after posting the same question on the NLediting board. Fred (can't remember last name) told me my tv dvd player is older and chooses one channel or the other to get audio and split it to both speakers. It chose the wrong one of course. So, I tried it on another dvd player and 'viola'... it worked. Once I get my new adobe software instead of the non-upgraded windvd crap that came w/ my comp. I will be able to put the shotgun audio on left and right in post. Man, I think I'm being a little long winded here. Thanks for getting back to me on this post.