View Full Version : need advice on shooting technique

Ronnie William
February 3rd, 2005, 04:51 PM
ive been asked to shoot the bible study classes at church and trying to figure out a technique to use that would make it easier to edit later - such as - they will expect to mainly focus on the pastor doing the study but also to capture some of the reactions of the congregation and certain points - mind u i only have one xl2 and not sure if this can be done correctly.

such as there would be a swing when turning to the congregation and the swing back - i know i can edit that portion out but then what do u put in that place without creating a audio sync loss - i plan on having a mic on the speaker so no matter where i shoot i still have his audio.

just looking for some ideas and suggestions on how this can be done correctly



Bob Costa
February 3rd, 2005, 05:47 PM
Two cameras. Second does not have to be same, as long as it is DV. Even a 1 chipper might play well. Cam on pastor can be locked down.

Get audience reaction shots from something else and paste them in.

you could use a really long dissolve while you are panning or some other non-earthly effect.

Greg Boston
February 3rd, 2005, 11:41 PM

To expand a bit on John's second suggestion in the above post. I saw a single camera technique that more or less parallels your problem. The scenario was a football game and crowd reaction shots.

The trick was to get a lot of varying reaction shots of the crowd. This gave the editor a choice at edit time when he was staying with the play on the field, he could cut away to a reaction shot. The reaction wasn't real-time, it only had to match the result of the play (ie: crowd cheers for a touchdown, boos for bad call, etc.).

When the final version is viewed, it won't be that obvious to the viewers if at all. Best to have wide shots for some of the reactions so that if you have to re-use one, it won't have anything unique about it to tip off the viewers.

Good luck,


Mark Von Lanken
February 3rd, 2005, 11:52 PM

Two cameras is the best answer. If that is not possible you could get reaction shots after the Bible study is over.

You know, shots of people smiling in agreement, or turning pages in the Bible, taking notes, etc. In order to pull this off and make it look real, you must select the right people.

All My Best,
Mark Von Lanken
Picture This Productions

Ben Lynn
February 5th, 2005, 04:53 PM
If you need the entire Bible study covered on tape then you need two camera's for this.

If your going to select portions of the Bible study to edit and show later as a short segment, then you can do it all with one camera easily. Just shoot the pastor first and capture what you want of the sound. Then rotate around and get the reactions and cut them over his sound bites in post.

Ben Lynn

Waldemar Winkler
February 5th, 2005, 05:11 PM
Is the pastor going to use a Powerpoint or similar presentation? If so, get slides of the presentation to insert when you pan to get audience reaction shots.
Still, two cameras will be best. For audience reactions, just about ANY camera will do the job. Remember, you won't be staying on any person in the audience for very long. Keep your XL2 on the pastor.

Ronnie William
February 6th, 2005, 07:22 PM
thanks for all the input .... will have to def get 2nd camera for this job