View Full Version : ProMaster EF zoom lenses

K. Forman
February 3rd, 2005, 02:51 PM
While my car was at the dealer for service, I killed a few hours window shopping downtown. In the camera shop, they had a ProMaster 70~300 EF zoom lens for $209. That I can afford, with minimal guilt. They also had similar Canon lenses, for a bit more.

My question is, has anyone used Promaster EF lenses? How are they?

Will Downing
February 7th, 2005, 02:18 PM

We've hung Promaster, Sigma and Canon lenses on our issue Rebels for the last couple of years. I can honestly say that we've had no significant problems with the Pro's, but if the Canon is not out of line, go with my opinion they just "look" sharper.

That being said, on my DReb, I shoot with a Sigma 18-50mm, because it's image is quite a bit sharper than the kit lens. Conversely, we use the Canon 75-300 over the Sigma version. I just like the image quality better. Go figure.
If you have the opportunity, test drive the Pro and the Canon. You might be pleasantly surprised.

BTW, the current president of Promaster runs our local camera shop, and I've always appreciated his willingness to back the product. I've had some issues with flash and attachments, and they've always made them good. That being said, your mileage may vary, product may settle during packaging and I'm from the government...I'm here to help. ;)

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