David Delaney
September 11th, 2009, 08:26 PM
I am starting a project that will go to DVD from the HV20. I was wondering what project setting will give me the best results. Should I go progressive, if so how?
Thanks in advance.
Chris Harding
September 11th, 2009, 11:25 PM
Hi David
I have been fighting this issue and there are numerous threads about it right here. The best way to get Vegas to select the right project setting is to click on the little folder in the right top corner of your projects window and select one of your HD files and Vegas will match the settings for you.
The issue of HD being interlaced with Upper Field first and DV being Lower Field first means that you need to de-interlace which normally causes loss of resolution but you can do it in your project by changing the default de-interlace setting from "none" to "interpolate"
I must admit I solved all the issues the simple way. I shoot AVCHD so I simply transcode the MTS files directly to Widescreen AVI and edit and render in SD...no fuss, no mess, super fast and no interlacing issues!!! I have check a DVD done both ways and you would have to be an expert to be able to tell the difference unless you had both DVD's running together!!
David Delaney
September 16th, 2009, 05:06 PM
tried it, looks off - stretched and not the 16:9. Not sure why this is acting this way. NAtive from the HV20 camera, used the folder to determine what the footage was. Came out 1.3333 HVD. I set it back to SQUARE pixels - the bars came back and it looks better, but I wonder why VEGAS didn't recognize it as 16:9?!?!
Chris Harding
September 16th, 2009, 05:32 PM
Hi David
I was under the impression that the HV20 shot very much standard 1920x1080i but seemingly I am wrong. It must be something else cos my footage is perfect and yes you are correct a project setting of 1440x1080 is normal for 1920x1080 HD cos the pixel aspect is 1.3333 (1440x1.333 = 1920)
It sound like you have maybe shot this in another format or progressive maybe????? Vegas seems to think that it's 1440x1080 interlaced HD video!!! Hopefully another HV20 user can come to your rescue
Ken Diewert
September 16th, 2009, 06:52 PM
You should just be able to use the HDV 1440x1080 60i template. (upper field first, blend fields). When you render, render as 1440X1080 .avi and then switch over to this thread.
You want to resize to 720x480 outside of Vegas to maximize DVD quality.