View Full Version : Creative releases mutli-use video gadget

Jesse Bekas
February 2nd, 2005, 02:24 PM

This little mpeg4 camcorder/still camera/mp3 player/audio recorder doesn't seem like that great of an item...until you get to the price...MSRP $159.00.

If this thing can take the abuse of really being carried around all the time, and produces even semi-decent images, it would certainly be worth it.

Mark Sasahara
February 3rd, 2005, 11:33 PM
Wow, That's really cute and cool. This'll make pirating movies soooo much easier :~) .

Greg Boston
February 3rd, 2005, 11:51 PM
Gee, for the exorbitant price of $159.00, I would expect a cell phone, bluetooth, wi-fi, & pda to be included. ;>)

Actually, it's pretty amazing technology. File this in the 'what will they think of next' category.
