View Full Version : Price drop (Rebate) for DVX100 A

Ari Shomair
February 1st, 2005, 06:00 PM
Just thought some of you might be interested to know that starting Feb 1st the DVX100A is being rebated by $300 :\

Jan Crittenden Livingston
February 2nd, 2005, 06:00 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Ari Shomair : Just thought some of you might be interested to know that starting Feb 1st the DVX100A is being rebated by $300 :\ -->>>

In reality, a rebate is not a price drop, but rather an incentive to purchase. There are a number of customers sitting on the fence and everyone is looking for the lowest price. Unfortunately what they sometimes do is purchase gray market product and thne discover that that might not have been the best idea. So this promotion is one more marketing ploy to get the customer to purchase a US authorizedproduct over the gray market.

So what is included with the DVX is a copy of Magic Bullet for editors, a copy of Barry Green's DVX Book and DVD and now a $300 incentive on a $3995 camera. Sounds like a good deal to me. It is a limited time offer.

Best regards,


Boyd Ostroff
February 2nd, 2005, 08:36 AM
In the March issue of DV Magazine there's a section about products shown at DV Expo West 2004 in December. In the blurb about DV Rack it states Serious Magic also announced that its DV Rack, the full version, is now bundled with Panasonic's DVX100A camcorder

Jan Crittenden Livingston
February 2nd, 2005, 01:10 PM
My feeling is that the magazine misunderstood. There will be a new package that will be the DVX100A, the DV Rack, a new case that is large enough to hold the DVX all tricked out and a 5400mA battery. This package will be called the Serious Production Package. Will soon be anounced by Panasonic.

As it stands the DVX comes with the Magic Bullet and Barry Green's DVX Book and DVD.

Hope that helsp,


Bryan Harley
February 4th, 2005, 11:15 PM
So does this have nothing to do with the possibility of a DVX200 on the horizon?

Jan Crittenden Livingston
February 5th, 2005, 02:27 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Bryan Harley : So does this have nothing to do with the possibility of a DVX200 on the horizon? -->>>

None in the least!

Greg Boston
February 5th, 2005, 06:35 AM
Hmmmm...seems to me that Canon took the same approach with the XL1s. A $500 rebate carrot to get folks to buy. Why? Well, as we all know now, and what I speculated here on the boards was that they are trying to flush dealer inventories in preparation for a new model release. So what about the GL-2, you say? It has had a rebate also but no replacement yet. Well, when you think about the volume in the dealer pipeline for the XL1s vs the GL-2, they have a lot more GL-2's out there to get rid of. You'll find the GL-2 at many mass market retailers (Circuit City, Frye's, Ultimate Electronics, etc.) but those folks didn't stock the XL1s because it was too much camera for the majority of their customers.

With all due respect Jan, I understand that you are with Panasonic and are likely under an NDA but this smells of 'new model coming' to me. It already seems like the ball has been hit back to Pana and JVC in the high end prosumer arena since Canon and Sony have made their move.

Just my humble opinion and .02 worth. We shall wait and see. I think 2005 is going to be interesting for us!



Jan Crittenden Livingston
February 5th, 2005, 07:36 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Greg Boston :
With all due respect Jan, I understand that you are with Panasonic and are likely under an NDA but this smells of 'new model coming' to me. It already seems like the ball has been hit back to Pana and JVC in the high end prosumer arena since Canon and Sony have made their move.

The Canon Xl2 has made absolutely no impact on the DVX100A, in fact sales have increased since the intro of the XL2. I know that people think there is another model coming, and so on other boards, I have said that there is a DVX100B coming but it will not be here until September. It will be changed only to the extent that it becomes compliant with the ROHS initiative, (google ROHS if you want to know.)

The Rebate is a ploy to move all customers that are wanting to buy a DVX100A to purchase authorized US product and not gray market. We estimate that we lose about 150-200 units a month to gray market, and of course the unsuspecting customer doesn't realize it till too late.

We put the Magic Bullet for Editors in the box along with Barry Green's DVX Book and top that off with a $300 rebate. That is a pretty hard offer to walk away from.

Will Panasonic have something to respond to the HDV product? Yes, but it will be in the price range of the Z1, which is more than the DVX by a couple of thousand. It will be a DVCPROHD product, I frame only, 4:2:2, uncompressed audio, edit solutions that work today. I cannot say much more than that.

Hope that helps ease the suspicions,


Peter Jefferson
February 5th, 2005, 09:34 AM
Yeah Pana Oz were thinking about doing this to counter the Z1's launch..

they will most likely go ahead and add an extra battery and mic, but the Z1 here in Aus will set you back $9350rrp about 2400 more than a dvx

Bit of a scam when i can fer one from Singapore for 6000AU
Dunno what sony are doing.. rippin people off like that..
I was talkin to a technician from Panas Pro area.. and he was sayin how they have the best research company doing alot fo work for them..
i asked.. oh yeah.. who..
his response was "Sony.. "
couldnt help but laugh...

Jan Crittenden Livingston
February 5th, 2005, 10:36 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Jefferson : Yeah Pana Oz were thinking about doing this to counter the Z1's launch..

they will most likely go ahead and add an extra battery and mic, but the Z1 here in Aus will set you back $9350rrp about 2400 more than a dvx

Bit of a scam when i can fer one from Singapore for 6000AU
Dunno what sony are doing.. rippin people off like that..
I was talkin to a technician from Panas Pro area.. and he was sayin how they have the best research company doing alot fo work for them..
i asked.. oh yeah.. who..
his response was "Sony.. "
couldnt help but laugh... -->>>

Hi Peter,

I am not sure I understand your post outside of how expensive the z1 is and that you can get it cheaper out of Singapore. I specificaly do not understand the research company doing work for us? What is that? Whoever said must have been either misunderstood, or slightly out of their minds.

Anyhow can you offer clarification?


Greg Boston
February 5th, 2005, 12:05 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Jan Crittenden : <<<-- Originally

Will Panasonic have something to respond to the HDV product? Yes, but it will be in the price range of the Z1, which is more than the DVX by a couple of thousand. It will be a DVCPROHD product, I frame only, 4:2:2, uncompressed audio, edit solutions that work today. I cannot say much more than that.

Hope that helps ease the suspicions,

Jan -->>>

Well Jan, you might have eased my suspicions but you definitely increased my drool factor with those preliminary tidbits!

Thanks for sharing as much as you could with us.


Barry Green
February 5th, 2005, 02:27 PM
Regarding the "clearing out the warehouse" comment...

... we just bought another DVX100A last week for an upcoming low-budget indie feature. We placed the order but had to wait almost two weeks to get it, because EVS was sold out! So I don't think there's any backlog of cameras, EVS literally had to wait for their shipment to come in, and the quote they gave us was "these things are selling like hotcakes". And EVS just raised their price by $100.

So even though there's something new coming in the HD lineup, I don't think there's any replacement for the DVX coming anytime soon.

Joe Carney
February 5th, 2005, 06:16 PM
Jan, can we expect the final coming of dv100 in an affordable camera. I remember that both Panasonic and JVC came up with that spec in the late 90's.

Seeing that D9 and DVCPRO50 were interchangable (recording from one vtr to another), I figure that even though you are competitors, you will both come out with a superior answer to HDV. 4:2:2 I frame sounds like the real deal.

And I bet most will accept a new tape format if the quality is there. Anyway, thanks for the tip. Looking forward to the rest of this year.

Peter Jefferson
February 6th, 2005, 03:37 AM
Hi Peter,

"I am not sure I understand your post outside of how expensive the z1 is and that you can get it cheaper out of Singapore. I specificaly do not understand the research company doing work for us? What is that? "

i dont think you get me mate.. it was a joke from a rep who knew i was a Pana Cam freak and i was talking to him about waiting for the Pana HD solution as opposed to jumping ship and going Sony :) It was a just a little dig at the opposition as Sony almost always are one fo the first companies with the new toys ;)

"Whoever said must have been either misunderstood, or slightly out of their minds."

((it was a joke, we were both pretty much gettin hyped on the Pana HD spec is all. Nothing serious.))

I dont think theyre clearing out the warehouse as such, i think theyre preparing for the coming of the Z1 which is what all companies do when a new breed is led to the gates..

Glenn Gipson
February 6th, 2005, 06:19 AM
>>Will Panasonic have something to respond to the HDV product? Yes, but it will be in the price range of the Z1, which is more than the DVX by a couple of thousand. It will be a DVCPROHD product, I frame only, 4:2:2, uncompressed audio, edit solutions that work today. I cannot say much more than that.

Hope that helps ease the suspicions,


That's awesome Jan! Panasonic has really been a Godsend to me with the 100A (I wouldn't have been able to afford to make my movie without it) so I can see that you guys continue to craft the work of Deities with this future DVCPRO HD product! Great job!

Bryan Harley
February 6th, 2005, 07:51 PM
I'm glad to hear the news about the DVX100a not being replaced. Thanks very much Jan. I can't wait until I'll be able to afford one!!! Starving college filmmaker, here. Does Panny wanna give me one for free? ;) Heh.

Matthew de Jongh
February 9th, 2005, 05:39 AM
Jan, i don't suppose you could assure us that the forecoming dvx-100b won't have any surprises like built in 16:9 (something more than squeeze mode?)

i'm one of the people stuck on the fence about buying my second dvx-100a

i have the full chrosziel mattebox with pana anamorphic lens and i was planning to go with a dvx-100a and skip the anamorphic at least in the beginning and just use the second dvx-100a for wider shots thinking the resolution difference wouldn't be noticed except on close-up shots.

the $300 rebate is nice, and of course i JUST bought magic bullet like 2 or 3 weeks before i heard it was being bundled.

that would have pushed me over the fence right there.

might i suggest panasonic start a website thats sole purpose is for dvx users to voluntarily sign up and just enter what city/state they are in.

if this were something widely spread and put in the package it could create a wonderful upswell of users helping users.


Jan Crittenden Livingston
February 9th, 2005, 06:00 AM
The DVX100B will be pretty much a rework get rid of toxic materials. Do a google search on ROHS, this is the European inititve that is causing the change.

I am asking for a couple of things but not sure i will get them. I fully believe the DVX100B will be the same for all intents and purposes.



PS interesting idea on the website.

Matthew de Jongh
February 9th, 2005, 06:05 AM
hell i wish dvx user would just add something like that...

there could be 5 dvx users within 100 miiles of each other, each wishing they had a second camera for that once or twice a year shoot, or who have information to share with the other one about how to get the most out of their camera.

i wonder what % of dvx owners ever find


Barry Green
February 9th, 2005, 11:49 AM does have a feature like that, a "member map". Not too many people have filled in their locations, but it's there.

I don't know what the percentage of owners is, but there's close to 5,000 members at

Matthew de Jongh
February 9th, 2005, 12:10 PM
yes i have noticed that feature.

i have emailed jared but never heard a reply, about a suggestion for a message board with a sub-section for each state.

nothing fancy, just a way for people to narrow down where they are to see who's also from there.

i'd just like to see more uses of this technology for people to connect with people who are closer.

it's easier to connect with someone across the country or across the world, than it is to connect with someone across the city!


Chris Hurd
February 10th, 2005, 05:03 PM
We could just do that right here at DV Info, if there's enough interest.

Although it wouldn't have to be limited to one particular make of camera.

Bryan Harley
February 10th, 2005, 06:03 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : We could just do that right here at DV Info, if there's enough interest.

Although it wouldn't have to be limited to one particular make of camera. -->>>

Chris, do it! That'd be very cool.