View Full Version : New Mic

Gary Randall
January 31st, 2005, 02:02 PM
I just purchased the Sennheiser ew112P wireless mic. I was told by a friend that this sytem would be a good one for doing weddings. Does anyone out there use it and is it good for wedding? I guess I should have asked this question before I forked out $500 for the mic.


Jimmy McKenzie
January 31st, 2005, 03:45 PM
It's quite good. The more line of sight the better, so when you attach it to the groom, keep as few layers of clothing between it and your receiver. You will have to play with the sensitivity depending on the capture levels of your cam. When you do the interviews with the plug on transmitter, keep the sensitivity down so the music doesn't overpower.

Mike Butler
February 1st, 2005, 10:23 AM
There are two adjustments to keep in mind when setting up the gain architecture with this kit. There's the menu-addressed transmitter sensitivity which starts very low, -30 dB; and then there's the gain pot on the receiver to tweak it to the mic preamp on your camera. After changing the setting on the transmitter you'll want to readjust the receiver.

I have been able to get fantastic distance with this kit.