Jed Williamson
January 28th, 2005, 07:31 PM
What would be the best way to convert from 60P(progressive) to 24P for a film out?
Thanks in Advance.
Jesse Bekas
January 28th, 2005, 11:52 PM
I'm not sure you can convert it unless you cut out alot of frames every second, or slow it down 2.5 times.
Maybe there would be a way to convert 60p to 60i, and then turn that into 24p.
34. Can I use the JVC HD-1 to shoot hi-def and transfer to film?
No. The JVC's 16:9 HDTV (720p30) format is 30 frames/sec progressive-scan and cannot be converted to 24 frames/sec. (Normal interlaced NTSC is 60 fields/sec and is easily converted to 24, but 30P formats have only 30 motion samples per second and no smooth conversion to 24 is possible).
The other modes of the JVC are standard definition and offer no real advantages. Wait for the European version (720p25) if there will be one.
I'm assuming the rule applies to 60p as well.
(but I'm not an expert, so somebody prove me wrong, and help out Jed!)
Aaron Shaw
January 29th, 2005, 09:05 AM
Actually I believe the VariCam shoots 60p and then converts to 24p. It can be done, I'm quite sure. How is a question I do not know the answer to. Sorry!
Jesse Bekas
January 29th, 2005, 10:06 AM
The Varicam can shoot 60p...but it is used for getting better slo-mo shots (i.e. playback at 40% speed still looks perfect), or for sports videography.
For obvious reasons if it always shot in 60p it would not have a filmic motion.
Josh Barker
February 25th, 2005, 12:11 PM
Use AviSynth (script courtesy of scharfis_brain of Doom9 forums)...
function blend(clip i, clip j, float "w")
function convert60pto24p (clip video, int mode)
work = video
out = (mode==2) ? interleave(
\selectevery(blend(trim(work, 1, 0), blend(work, trim(work, 2, 0)),0.5), 5, 0),
\selectevery(blend(work, trim(work, 1, 0)), 5, 3)) :
\ (mode==1) ? interleave(
\selectevery(trim(work, 1, 0), 5, 0),
\selectevery(blend(work, trim(work, 1, 0)), 5, 3)) :
\ (mode==0) ? selectevery(work, 5, 1, 4) :
\ (mode==3) ? interleave(
\selectevery(blend(trim(work, 1, 0), blend(work, trim(work, 2, 0)),0.66), 5, 0),
\selectevery(blend(blend(work.duplicateframe(0),work.trim(2,0)),blend(work, work.trim(1, 0)),0.66), 5, 3))
\ : work