View Full Version : Audio problems xfering VHS into GL2

Leigh Hanlon
January 22nd, 2005, 12:47 PM
I'm a new GL2 owner and am trying to copy some VHS content onto the GL2. At first, I tried using S-video via a 10-year-old B&O Super-VHS VCR, but I'm unable to get video or audio on the S-video. I can get audio using the RCA plugs, but there's no video RCA out port on the B&O.

Using a cheapie Zenith VCR with standard three-plug video/audio connections, I get audio as well as video, but the audio is way low. Even when boosting it by 150 percent in iMovie, it's barely acceptable.

Here are the settings I'm using for this:

In the VCR screen menu...
--> MIC: (Disbaled)
--> MIC ATT: (Disabled)

On the GL2 camera body exterior (not sure of these have any effect on copying from a VHS machine, though)...
--> LEVELS ARE MANUALLY SET TO about 25 PERCENT (this was the last setting I used when I attached an external mic a few days ago)

The B&O machine has been rechipped at least twice to extend its life and there are some operational peculiarities when using its remote, so I'm thinking there's simply a problem in activating its S-video port. As for the Zenith cheapie, it's basic but otherwise has worked fine for me in the past.

This audio matter is driving me nuts.


Boyd Ostroff
January 22nd, 2005, 02:07 PM
Can you plug the B&O s-video into something else (monitor?) to verify that it's really working? Have you tried your s-video cable with other devices to verify that it's OK? Or tried another s-video cable? There are other types of mini-DIN 8 cables which might fit but not work. You may need to set something on the VCR menu too.

You are aware that you still need to use the RCA audio cables with s-video... right? The mini-DIN cable only carries the video signal. Why have you set your audio levels to 25% if they're too low? Try raising them, or try auto levels.

Other than that I can't help since I don't have a GL-2... sorry.

Chris Hurd
January 22nd, 2005, 04:18 PM
As Boyd points out, it's important to realize that an S-video cable carries only a video signal. There is no audio carried over an S-video cable. Hope this helps,

Leigh Hanlon
January 22nd, 2005, 11:43 PM
I'm using the S-video cable that came with the GL2, so I'm assuming it's OK. I don't have any other monitors to test the output on.

However, maybe I need to adjust the audio levels even though the manual doesn't say so? I'm following the directions on Page 101 of the GL2 instruction manual, and there's no mention of audio levels being affected by whether the REC LEVEL switch is set to A or M (which apparently affects audio dubbing, as described on page 110).

Leigh Hanlon
January 24th, 2005, 12:36 AM
Well, I switched the REC LEVEL to A, and the audio transferred at full intensity. I also found that when set to M, I could also raise the levels manually.

In retrospect, this is obvious, but if it's explained in the manual, I managed to miss it.

I also switched AV/DV OUT to ON. Does this make a difference?