View Full Version : You talking to me? Again?? Taxi Driver sequel!

Christopher C. Murphy
January 21st, 2005, 08:52 AM
Hey all, I found a few stories online related to a Taxi Driver sequel.

I actually think that it would work...maybe even be great. IF, they tie into today's state-of-mind. I'm thinking that no one other than Marty/DeNiro can take today's incredible "vibe"...with so much going on in the world and turn it into a great film. The Travis Bickle charactor is probably the best 70's charactor to put a mirror up to that "vibe". Now Travis is older...seen a lot since the 70's. He's watching the onslaught of news, world is everywhere...reality TV. How perfect if they tap into his brain...and this time takes it all the way home! (goes out in flames)

DeNiro needs to save his legend's a little tainted from all this crap in recent years. Although, Meet the Fockers was HILARIOUS. The best comedy film since "Something Bout Mary.."

Ok, anyone that says "don't mess with the original by making a crappy sequel". I'd agree if it were only a few years after, but it's like almost 30 years later now. Therefore, it's such a huge difference in time and place....his age is huge factor too. It would be a great charactor study at this point, and you know Marty and DeNiro would want to make something special and not commercial. That would kill the entire thing...people having been telling them since the originial how great it was because of the gritty nature of it. Also, you know they both want to bookend some of their youth now.

Imran Zaidi
January 21st, 2005, 10:12 AM
In the Deniro episode of Inside the Actor's Studio, James Lipton actually mentioned how it would be fascinating to see the character in Taxi Driver today, to see where he is, and asked if there was a possibility of that happening. Deniro did say that it would be very interesting, and perhaps it may happen, which of course generated a round of applause.

This was a few years ago. I think both Scorsese and Deniro really need to do this, to bring themselves back to roots. They're both still very good obviously, but I do think they need to bring back that raw energy that made those old films legendary, that is missing from the films they're making today.

If anyone can do it, they can!

Rick Bravo
January 21st, 2005, 10:42 AM
Didn't Travis die in the original or was he redeemed? Hmmm?

Check out a little film called "Mean Streets" if you want to see their real roots.


Keith Loh
January 21st, 2005, 11:16 AM
I haven't seen it for a long time. I also thought that Bickle dies.

Now that I think of it, all we do is see Bickle on the couch with a wound in his throat spurting blood all over.

You can see how I would make that conclusion.

Christopher C. Murphy
January 21st, 2005, 12:33 PM
Guys, he lives in the original! Remember, he's all proud of his accomplishments and there are newspaper articles on his wall. They're like vigalantte type of articles.

Also, the most incredible last moment of the film!! He looks in the rear view mirror and does this INSANE eye thing. He looks quick and then's totally freaky. It's like he was saying....muuaahhhaa..."I'll be back".

Keith Loh
January 21st, 2005, 01:04 PM
I really thought that was a fantasy sequence because it is also combined with him getting back together with Cybill.

Joshua Starnes
January 21st, 2005, 01:29 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Loh : I really thought that was a fantasy sequence because it is also combined with him getting back together with Cybill. -->>>

He doesn't get back together with Cybill. He just gives her a ride in his cab and she is more congenial with him because of what he did, but by that point he doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

Keith Loh
January 21st, 2005, 02:20 PM
See I though it was him having this nice conversation with Cybill but that it was all a dream.

Anyway, I should watch Taxi Driver again before I reveal more of how my memory is full of holes.