View Full Version : Fixing hissy vx2000 audio in post

Maureen Futtner
January 20th, 2005, 08:53 PM
Ok, so I'm a sucker 'cause I just got a used VX2000, unaware of the awful hiss in the audio...

what I'd like to know is... will it be relatively easy for me (w/a noise reduction program like SoundSoap) to get rid of that hiss pretty cleanly and easily in post production?

Any wisdom much appreciated!

Douglas Spotted Eagle
January 20th, 2005, 10:13 PM
Sound Soap Pro is awesome, I'm showing it here at the NAMM show and at Sundance Film Festival as well. I love it. Sony's Noise Reduction is *slightly* better for a tiny bit less, but if you're on the Apple cart, you'll need either Soap or WAVES. Getting rid of hiss is relatively easy.

Ty Ford
January 21st, 2005, 07:46 AM
So is the vx2000 hissy or is there something about the way you're feeding it that it doesn't like?''


Ty Ford

Douglas Spotted Eagle
January 21st, 2005, 09:27 AM
I doubt it's the VX, but rather more the mic/pre that it's being fed, only because I've worked with the VX a fair amount. It's got noise, but not hiss. Hum, yes. In fact, I've got a VX preset built for my Noise Reduction tool.