View Full Version : Rebel without a crew

Aaron Koolen
September 20th, 2002, 05:12 PM
Rebel Without a Crew
by Robert Rodriguez
September 1996
ISBN: 0452271878


I just finished reading this book and I must say it was a great read. It's divided into basically 3 sections. The first section is the bulk of the book and is written in Diary form and covers the creation of his feature film 'El Mariachi'. It starts with the preproduction and earning his money for it as an experimental drug test subject then moves into the production of the film and how it all went - good and bad. It carries on into post production, selling the film, film festivals and how he got noticed and moved into Hollywood.

Part 2 has Robert Rodriquez' well known 10 minute film school. It's a fast paced, passionate rant at those of us who want to get into filmmaking but are a little lost or overwhelmed by it all. I sum it up with one phrase "Get out there and do it, and then do it again". He emphasises that we as aspiring moviemakers should just get whatever equipment we can and make movies, forget about not having the best camera or gear, that will come. Realise that our firts movies will be crap and not worry. He had made short movies for years before doing 'El Mariachi'. Then make more movies and you'll get better. This section also gives lots of helpful hints and tips too for the indy, low budget moviemaker.

Part 3 is the original screenplay for the movie 'El Mariachi' for those interested to see it.

It's well written, and a really easy read. I would say the most I got from this book is insipration and lots of it. So much so that It made me really want to finish my first short movie, and so now I've completed the first draft of the script, have the cast organised and have started to organise all the gear I need.


Rob Lohman
September 24th, 2002, 02:59 AM
It really is a nice book indeed. Fun to read what he went through.

Alex Taylor
December 14th, 2002, 03:00 PM
I've heard about this book, it sounds really interesting.. I'll have to pick it up some time!

Paul Sedillo
December 14th, 2002, 03:23 PM

Here is the link to

This is a great book for any up and coming filmmaker.

Dylan Johns
March 1st, 2005, 11:48 PM
hi, i'm from australia and looking to buy rebel without crew and some other film books. rebel without out a crew is on ebay but with shipping costs it ends up costing over $25 is their any online australian shops that sell it? do u think any bookshops over here would have it? thanxs....

John McManimie
March 2nd, 2005, 08:41 PM

Emre Safak
March 2nd, 2005, 11:37 PM
I would have sent you my copy had I not sold it. Basically it is an inspirational book; you are not going to learn how to make films from it. I hope this is of consolation if you can not find it.

Dylan Johns
March 3rd, 2005, 01:52 AM
i know, but i still want to read it......i'll find it oneday. thanxs for the help anyway