View Full Version : best preset for shooting basketball with canon GL2???

Bob Miller
January 19th, 2005, 05:11 PM
what would be the best presets? frame mode? ....also its a indoor basketball game

David Ennis
January 20th, 2005, 06:23 AM

I see that your question has gone without repsonse for a while, probably because you weren't specific enough about what you want. Without some background--details about your goals, preferences or reason for the question, etc.-- all people can do is rehash the choices presented in the manual. Basketball venues are pretty well lit. You could shoot in anything from no-brainer easy mode (there's not necessarily any shame in that) to full manual. You have a cam that gives you a lot of choices.

Do you just want to capture the action with as little hassle as possible or do you want to start learning to master the cam? Are you already pretty good at framing shots and can afford to give some of your attention to other things? Are you going to edit the footage later? Do you plan to capture stills from the footage? How fussy are you about focus and color fidelity? Things like that.